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Your Key to Success in Ms. Hildebrand’s Social Studies class

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Presentation on theme: "Your Key to Success in Ms. Hildebrand’s Social Studies class"— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Key to Success in Ms. Hildebrand’s Social Studies class
Interactive Notebook Your Key to Success in Ms. Hildebrand’s Social Studies class

2 Have you ever heard yourself say . . .
I can't find my . . . notes, homework, old quizzes . . . I can't remember what we did in class yesterday. I'm sure its in . . . my locker . . . my book bag . . . my room . . . I was absent last week, did I miss anything?

3 Get it together with your
Interactive Notebook

4 What is an Interactive Notebook?
A personalized textbook A working portfolio – all of your notes, classwork, quizzes – in one convenient spot.

5 Left Side – Right Side Orientation
The Left side is “left” for you. This is the side that you can use to show me your creativity and what you learned. The Right side is “Restricted” and contains teacher given activities. Nothing else should be placed on the Right side!!

6 Left Side Left-side of Notebook
The left side belongs to you. It is to show what you understand about the “right” side activity that we did in class. On this page you may include poems, essays, diagrams, cartoons, drawings, poems, foldables, etc. Left-side of Notebook

7 Examples of Left Side Assignments
Drawings Diagrams Poems Reflections Comics Doodles

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9 Illustrated Outlines

10 Concept Map

11 Acrostics

12 Comic Strips

13 Venn Diagram

14 Right Side The right side belongs to me and should only contain teacher directed activities. Nothing else should be placed on this page! The right side is where you will either write or glue in what we did in class and will contain all the testable material. Even Pages

15 Examples of Right Side Assignments
Activities Assignments Worksheets Vocabulary Notes Study Guides

16 Student Materials Textbook Spiral Notebook Pencils
Colored pencils/crayons Glue and clear tape Scissors-I have some in class Highlighters-I have some in class

17 Maintaining the Interactive Notebook
No ripped out pages or torn corners No doodling that doesn’t relate to notes Notebook should only be used in Social Studies. (No other classes!!) Date and number each page Leave in classroom everyday unless otherwise instructed!

18 Grading Procedures Notebooks will be graded at least twice a month
Students will receive a copy of the INS grading rubric before the first grading period and glue it in their INS It is important to leave your notebook in class and in your class period’s shelf/cubby everyday!

19 Keys to INS Success Organization is the key Skip the 1st page
Page 2 will be creative and Show Me You!! Everyone will be consistent (the same) with most parts of the INS

20 Let’s Get started! Using a permanent marker: The Cover should include the following information: Your name and class period Teacher: Ms. Hildebrand Write your last name on the spine of the notebook

21 Numbering Pages Pages will be numbered at the bottom right side of each page. You do not number the back of the page as the next page number. The back of the page does not need to be numbered.

22 Inside the Notebook Page 2 I give to you:
Number this page 2 (bottom right corner) Use your creativity to develop pages you can be proud of. It can be in mixed media, which means you can use crayons, picture cut-outs, and construction paper in combination to create these pages that reflect your interests. Or maybe you are a computer graphics artist and want to include your own hand drawings as well. just be sure you have the required content listed next.

23 Identify aspects of yourself as a person or as a student and place on this page. If you are a skateboarding expert, use the skateboard as a symbol for yourself. If you play the violin, use the violin as a symbol for yourself and include it in your cover design. These symbols can be your favorite things, a hobby, or something special about you.


25 Page 4 You will staple the “Interactive Notebook Guidelines” sheet on page 4. This sheet MUST be signed by both the student and the guardian.

26 Page 5 This is where you will glue the INS Grading Rubric when you get it. This rubric will show how your notebook will be graded everytime.

27 Page 6 You will glue your World Map on page 6.
For the “left-side” activity you will choose which civilization/unit that you are most interested in and write a minimum of 4 sentences explaining why. Draw an image(s) to support your answers.

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