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Methods: sdrawkcab EMED Model Asumptions:

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Presentation on theme: "Methods: sdrawkcab EMED Model Asumptions:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Modeling selection for lactase persistence in African pastoralist and agro-pastoralist societies
Methods: sdrawkcab EMED Model Asumptions: Selection on Pastoralists was greater than on the Agro-pastoralists. Longer selection period in the Agro-pastoralists. Conlusion: Weak selection pressure could explain the lactase persistence genotype frequencies observed in two African populations. Pastoralists Agro-pastoralists Pop. 1 Starting conditions p0 0.276 q0 0.724 Selection WAA 1.000 WAB 0.999 WBB 0.990 N 2,000 Starting conditions p0 0.373 q0 0.627 Selection WAA 1.000 WAB 0.999 WBB 0.995 N 2,000 Approximate time of mutation= ,, Nsim = 20 Approximate time of mutation= -6125, st. dev=2273, Nsim = 20 Marsha Timmerman, Joyce Cadwallader, Srebrenka Robic, Bill Bromer

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