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The “Ecosystem” Code for Everyone

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Presentation on theme: "The “Ecosystem” Code for Everyone"— Presentation transcript:

1 The “Ecosystem” Code for Everyone
Matthew Piccoli Jimmy Paulos Kartik Mohta Yash Mulgaonkar

2 What is it? Mechanical engineers making software/electronics easily/quickly Libraries libraries and more libraries For the microcontroller python matlab c(++) EAGLE ROS? And some tools too Enforced organization

3 The Ecosystem Common Tools Projects c EAGLE Matlab Python STM32f37x
doxygen dfu brushless quad base Template Demos Vector Ctrl USB Zigbee dsp Timebase …etc stm32f37x projPerph.h main.c eagle …etc

4 Design Process: Quadrotor
Microcontroller IMU 4 Motors Radio

5 main.c Must include stm32f37x.h, mGeneral.h, common_peripherals.h
Must call InitPeripherals(); That’s it! (Plus your code) All of this is included in the template’s main.c

6 project_peripherals.h
/* #define LED_YELLOW_PORT ? // Letter, ex: A, B, ... #define LED_YELLOW_PIN ? // Number, ex: 0, 1, 2, ... #define LED_YELLOW_SET_ON // define iff on-when-set */ /// IMU I2C Setup /// Used with: Sensor_IMU_MPU-6050_I2C #define IMU_I2C 1 //Number, 1 or 2 #define IMU_SCL_PORT A //Letter, ex: A #define IMU_SCL_PIN 15 //Number, ex: 1 #define IMU_SDA_PORT A //Letter, ex: A #define IMU_SDA_PIN 14 //Number, ex: 1 Interface between software and hardware #define important values port/pin assignments peripheral assignments/parameters libraries to include activate macro shortcuts

7 The Future? #define ZIGBEE_SPI 3 //Number, ex: 1
#define ZIGBEE_SCK_PORT A //Letter, ex: A #define ZIGBEE_SCK_PIN 1 //Number, ex: 1 #define ZIGBEE_SCK_AF 6 //Number, ex: 1 #define ZIGBEE_MISO_PORT A //Letter, ex: A #define ZIGBEE_MISO_PIN 2 //Number, ex: 1 #define ZIGBEE_MISO_AF 6 //Number, ex: 1 #define ZIGBEE_MOSI_PORT A //Letter, ex: A #define ZIGBEE_MOSI_PIN 3 //Number, ex: 1 #define ZIGBEE_MOSI_AF 6 //Number, ex: 1 #define ZIGBEE_SS_PORT A //Letter, ex: A #define ZIGBEE_SS_PIN 4 //Number, ex: 1 #define IMU_I2C 1 //Number, 1 or 2 #define IMU_SCL_PORT A //Letter, ex: A #define IMU_SCL_PIN 15 //Number, ex: 1 #define IMU_SDA_PORT A //Letter, ex: A #define IMU_SDA_PIN 14 //Number, ex: 1 #define USING_USB // define if using USB

16/22 TRPY LL-SW CONTROLLER TRPY POSE ESTIMATE PWM PWM PWM PWM Accel/Ang Vel M1 M2 M3 M4 RADIO μC Slide from Nicola Bezzo and Insup Lee IMU HW

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