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Entrance and Transition

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1 Entrance and Transition
8/9/2012 Entrance and Transition Talking Points Suggested reading for reflection: Ruth 1:6 -22 When Ruth left her native land to accompany her mother-in-law to Judea, she had to figure out a way to become a part of her new community. She listened to what Naomi had to say, for it told her of the expectations and norms of this foreign culture, at the same time she worked to make herself known to her new neighbors. We often struggle with how to accomplish this mutual knowledge of one another. How we welcome the interim priest can become a “dry run” for how we welcome the next rector. Note: This session’s purpose is to help participants understand that transitions have patterns and emotional energy is required not just to leave the past behind, but to welcome the new. It provides an opportunity for leadership to reflect intentionally on the ways it welcomes newcomers. This module might be used: Just before the interim pastor is going to arrive, AND/OR About 3 months before the new rector is expected to be called, to help the congregation plan for a good entrance of their new leader. Copyright © 2012 Episcopal Church Foundation. All rights reserved.

2 Patterns of an Entrance
8/9/2012 Patterns of an Entrance Most of us have patterns or ways we enter situations. What are some of your patterns As an individual? As a family? What about as a congregation? Talking Points We all have grown up with patterns for entering a new situation. Reflecting on your own experience, how do you say “hello” and get to know somebody. For example: What do you do when you first arrive at a new job? What does your family do when they enter your grandparents’ house? How has this congregation said hello to newcomers? To past clergy leaders? On newsprint, list some of the “patterns,” especially those identified as the congregation’s. Note: usually such discussion will reveal that there are some patterns of behavior. For instance: many people when they “enter” will be sure to say hello or show respect for key people (grandparents, parents, new boss, neighbors, etc.) by bringing a gift, making a point of greeting them especially well, having a meal with them, etc.

3 Learning from Our Patterns
8/9/2012 Learning from Our Patterns What do our personal experiences tell us? What about the congregation’s experiences? Talking Points So, what do these past experiences tell us? How do your own patterns affect the ways this congregation might welcome a new priest? What has been the congregation’s experience with welcoming new members? New clergy leadership? In light of this information what “best practices” might you want to consider for welcoming the interim or rector? Note: If you have had an interim, continue the discussion by asking what was learned from his/her experience of welcome (see next slide). If not ,or you are talking about welcoming an interim, skip the next slide and go to slide 5.

4 Debriefing The Interim’s Entrance
8/9/2012 Debriefing The Interim’s Entrance How did we go about saying hello to each other? What can we learn as we prepare to welcome the new rector? Talking Points Note: This is a good way to gain some insight from a departing interim about his/her welcome, so lay leaders can learn from that experience. Include both the interim and the vestry in this conversation. As you think about welcoming a new rector, let’s look back on the arrival of your interim. From each of your perspectives: How was the clergy person’s introduction to the congregation on his/her first Sunday? Was there an intentional process to help the congregation and the new clergy person get to know each other? How did the clergy person meet the parishioners who aren’t there regularly? Shut-ins? Was there help? MOST IMPORTANTLY: What can be learned from the interim’s experience to help with the preparation for the new rector?

5 Planning the Entrance What have we learned? What do we want to keep?
8/9/2012 Planning the Entrance What have we learned? What do we want to keep? What new things do we want to try? Talking Points Given everything we have discussed, including lessons learned from how the interim was welcomed, what would we like to do to make sure the new rector is made to feel welcome? Facilitate a discussion, capturing ideas on the flip chart. Photo by Jim Combs, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Mullica Hill, N.J. Used by permission.

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