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Major Academic Plan (MAP)

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1 Major Academic Plan (MAP)
Associate in Arts & Sciences BA in Children’s Studies (60 credits) Department of Sociology and Justice Studies College of Social & Behavioral Sciences and Social Work Why study children’s issues? The BA in Children's Studies features: breadth and depth, offering students the benefit of perspectives from varied disciplines as well as research opportunity with practitioners in the field, relevant internships and career counseling. Possible careers involve working with children (from birth to adolescence) and families in educational, healthcare, legal, social work, day care, and after- school settings. Degree Options Option A: Research. For those who want to pursue graduate work in fields dealing with children, or who wish to work in agencies or organizations that need data collection and assessment. Option B: Program Development. For those pursuing careers in a variety of Children and Family agencies. Option C: Early Childhood Education. For those pursuing teaching in preschool programs. Children’s Studies Major (60 credits) Required Courses (34-35 credits) CDST 301 Introduction to Children’s Studies (2) CDST 439 Topics in Children’s Studies (5) CDST 492 Senior Portfolio (2) EDUC 325 Inequalities and Impacts on Educational Equity (4) GEOG 357 Geography of Children (3) PSYC 305 Child and Adolescent Development (4) SOCI 101 Introduction to Sociology (5) SOCI/WMST 370 Sociology of the Family (5) SOCI/WMST 483 Sociology of Children (5) CDST 495 Internship (4) or EDUC 457 Collaborative Reflective Practice in Early Childhood Education (3) or PSYC 495 Experiential Learning (4) ITGS 400 Interdisciplinary Capstone (4) Department Chair Dr. Sean Chabot 329 Patterson Hall Department Assistant Dr. Deanna Trella 311 Patterson Hall Sample Careers Head Start/Preschool Teacher Child Life Specialist Child & Family Advocate Program Director

2 AA-DTA Degree Requirements with Suggested Classes that Fulfill EWU Prerequisites/Requirements
GREEN RIVER C.C. COURSE E.W.U. COURSE EQUIVALENT BASIC SKILLS (15 credits) ENGL& 101 English Composition I (5) ENGL 101 College Composition: Exposition and Argument (5) ENGL 127 Writing: Social Science(5) or ENGL 128 Research Writing: Science/Engineering/Business ENGL 201 College Composition: Analysis/Research/Document (5) HUMANITIES/FINE ARTS/ENGLISH (15 credits) Consult your advisor for course options. SOCIAL SCIENCE (15 credits) SOC& 101 Introduction to Sociology (5) SOCI 101 Introduction to Sociology (5) NATURAL SCIENCE (15 credits) ADDITIONAL CREDITS (15 credits) LIFETIME FITNESS/WELLNESS AND ACTIVITY (4-9 credits) DIVERSITY REQUIREMENT (1 course) *Speak with advisor at Eastern. ELECTIVES (6-11 credits) The courses listed below transfer to satisfy EWU Graduation Requirements and can be taken before or during the major programs: Foreign Language Two full years of high school-level or one full year of college-level credit is required for graduation. Cultural Diversity (one course) AMES 100 Introduction TO American Minority and Ethnic Studies (5) AMES 150 Race and Ethnicity in the Pacific (5) ANTH 211 Nuu-Chah-Nulth-Indians (5) ANTH& 210 Indians of North America (5) ANTH& 216 Northwest Coast Indians (5) CJ 220 Multicultural Diversity in Criminal Justice 95) CMST 238 Intercultural Communication (5) ENGL 160 Literature By and About Women (5) ENGL 249 U.S. Latino Literature (5) HIST 224 African-American History (5) HIST 233 History of Latin America (5) HIST& 215 Women in U.S. History (5) SOC 220 Sex and Gender in Society (5) International Studies (one course) AMES 194 Special Topics – American Minority and Ethnic Studies (1-5) BUS 181 Introduction to International Business (5) BUS 186 International Marketing (5) ENVS 204 Natural Science and the Environment (5) HIST th Century Europe (5) HIST 231 Modern Asia (5) HUMAN 133 People, language and Culture (5) HUMAN 186 Peoples of the World (5) HUMAN 190 Latin American Culture Through Literature (5) PHIL 210 Comparative Religion (5) PHIL 220 Introduction to Eastern Philosophy (5) POLS& 203 international Relations (5) POLS& 204 Comparative Government (5) SOC& 201 Social Problems (5)

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