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Recitation 5 2/4/09 ML in Phylogeny

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1 Recitation 5 2/4/09 ML in Phylogeny
Comp. Genomics Recitation 5 2/4/09 ML in Phylogeny Based on Slides by Ron Shamir and Nir Friedman

2 Outline Maximum likelihood (ML) ML in phylogeny
Ancestral sequence reconstruction using ML

3 Maximum likelihood One of the methods for parameter estimation
Likelihood: L=P(Data|Parameters) Simple example: Simple coin with P(head)=p 10 coin tosses 6 heads, 4 tails L=P(Data|Params)=(106)p6 (1-p)4

4 Maximum likelihood We want to find p that maximizes L=(106)p6 (1-p)4
Infi 1, Remember? Log is a monotolical function, we can optimize logL=log[(106)p6 (1-p)4]= log(106)+6logp+4log(1-p)] Deriving by p we get: 6/p-4/(1-p)=0 Estimate for p:0.6 (Makes sense?)

5 Likelihood of a Tree Input (small problem):
n sequences A tree T, with labels on the leafs (X) Find optimal labeled tree : labeling of internal nodes (Y) branch lengths (b) Maximizing the likelihood P(X|T,Y,b)

6 Likelihood (2) How to compute P(X|T,Y,b)? Assumptions:
Each character is independent The branching is a Markov process: The probability of a node having a given label is only a function of the parent node and the branch length b between them. The probabilities P(x|y,t) are known

7 Example x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 t1 t2 t3 t5

8 What if we want P(X|T,b)? Assume that the branch lengths b are known.
Independence of sites Markov property independence of each branch ALGMB, December 01 © Ron Shamir , TAU

9 Properties of P Additivity: Reversibility
Allows to freely move the root

10 Efficient Likelihood Calculation (Felsenstein ’73)
Use dynamic prog. similar to parsimony Need Sj(v,a) = Pr(subtree rooted in v | vj = x) Initialization: For each leaf v set Sj(v,a) = 1 if i is labeled by a, otherwise Sj(v,a) = 0 Recursion: Traverse the tree in postorder: for each node v with children u and w, for each state x Complexity: O(nmk2) n species, m chars, k states

11 Ancestral sequence reconstruction
Input: Rooted tree + extant (leaf) sequences Substitution matrix + branch lengths Problem: Find the sequence assignment of internal states which maximizes the total tree likelihood

12 Solving ancestral sequence reconstruction
Simple with parsimony methods, ≈ through the Fitch/Sankoff algorithms Here, we’re interested in ML Maximizing P(ancestral S|contemporary S) Joint vs. Marginal Marginal: focus on a single node (e.g., the root), and maximize its likelihood Joint: Infer all the sequences together

13 Solutions We can enumerate all the possible ancestral states and check their likelihood… cn possible combinations per character n – number of internal nodes Inapplicable when the tree is large Koshi and Goldshtein (1996) – fast algorithm for marginal reconstruction Pupko, Pe’er, Shamir and Graur (2004): fast algorithm for joint reconstruction

14 Basics We assume different sites evolve independently
Working one site at a time Pij(t) – the probability of observing ij in time t We want to maximize P(v|data)=P(data|v)*P(v)/P(Data) Constant!

15 DP to the rescue DP often suitable for tree problems Idea:
Start from the leaves and climb up the tree The subtree under every node is dependent only on the state of its parent! For node x compute Lx(i) and Cx(i) Lx(i) – the likelihood of x’s subtree under the condition that its parent is assigned with i Cx(i) – the state of x that gives rise to this likelihood

16 Algorithm phase I Initialization: Progression: Termination:
For a leaf y assigned with j: Cy(i)=j, Ly(i)=Pij(t) Progression: For an internal node z with sons x,y already visited: for each i we compute Termination: For the root with sons x,y,z – choose k maximizing

17 Algorithm phase II “Traceback”
Traverse the tree from root to the leaves For every internal node x with father y already reconstructed with i Reconstruct the state in x by setting Cx(i) Continue until all the nodes are reconstructed

18 Example

19 Complexity For n internal nodes and c possible states we compute a DP table of O(nc) cells. As we maximize in every cell over c states, time is O(nc2) As c is constant – O(n)

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