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Caffaeliad / Acquisition
Dysgu trwy gaffael yw beth mae dysgwyr yn ei wneud pan fyddant yn gwrando ar ddarlith neu podlediad, darllen o lyfrau neu wefannau, a gwylio demos neu fideos Learning through acquisition is what learners are doing when they are listening to a lecture or podcast, reading from books or websites, and watching demos or videos
Caffaeliad / Acquisition
Reading books, papers; Dull confensiynol / Conventional method Technoleg digidol / Digital technology Darllen llyfrau, papurau / reading books, papers Darllen amlgyfrwng, gwefannau, dogfennau digidol ac adnoddau / Reading multimedia, websites, digital documents and resources Gwrando ar gyflwyniadau athrawon wyneb yn wyneb, darlithoedd / Listening to teacher presentations face-to-face, lectures Gwrando ar podlediadau, darllediadau / Listening to podcasts, webcasts Gwylio arddangosiadau, dosbarthiadau meistr / Watching demonstrations, master classes Watching animations, videos
Cydweithio / Collaboration
Mae dysgu trwy gydweithio yn cynnwys trafodaethau, ymarfer a chynhyrchu yn bennaf. Gan adeiladu ar ymchwiliadau a chaffael mae'n ymwneud â chymryd rhan yn y broses o adeiladu gwybodaeth ei hun Learning through collaboration embraces mainly discussion, practice, and production. Building on investigations and acquisition it is about taking part in the process of knowledge building itself
Cydweithio / Collaboration
Reading books, papers; Dull confensiynol / Conventional method Technoleg digidol / Digital technology Prosiect grŵp bach / Small group project Prosiectau grŵp bach sy'n defnyddio fforymau ar-lein, wikis, ystafelloedd sgwrsio, ac ati… I drafod allbynnau eraill / Small group projects using online forums, wikis, chat rooms, etc... For discussion other’s outputs Trafod allbwn pobl eraill / Discussing others’ outputs Adeiladu allbwn ar y cyd / Building joint output Adeiladu allbwn digidol ar y cyd / Building a joint digital output
Trafodaeth / Discussion
Mae dysgu trwy drafodaeth yn mynnu bod y dysgwr yn mynegi eu syniadau a'u cwestiynau, ac i herio ac ymateb i'r syniadau a'r cwestiynau gan yr athro, a/neu gan eu cyfoedion Learning through discussion requires the learner to articulate their ideas and questions, and to challenge and respond to the ideas and questions from the teacher, and/or from their peers
Trafodaeth / Discussion
Reading books, papers; Dull confensiynol / Conventional method Technoleg digidol / Digital technology Tiwtorialau / Tutorials Seminarau / Seminars Grwpiau trafod / Discussion groups Trafodaethau dosbarth / Class discussions Tiwtorialau ar-lein / online tutorials Seminarau / Seminars Trafodaethau e-bost / discussions Grwpiau trafod / Discussion groups Fforymau trafod / Discussion forums Offer gwe-gynadledda, cydamserol ac anghydamserol / Web-conferencing tools, synchronous and asynchronous
Ymchwiliad / Investigation
Mae dysgu drwy ymchwiliad yn arwain y dysgwr i archwilio, cymharu a beirniadu'r testunau, dogfennau ac adnoddau sy'n adlewyrchu'r cysyniadau a'r syniadau sy'n cael eu haddysgu Learning through investigation guides the learner to explore, compare and critique the texts, documents and resources that reflect the concepts and ideas being taught
Ymchwiliad / Investigation
in a range of materials and resources; Using conventional methods to collect Comparing texts, searching and evaluating information and ideas. Dull confensiynol / Conventional method Technoleg digidol / Digital technology Defnyddio canllawiau astudio yn seiliedig ar destun / Using text-based study guides Defnyddio cyngor ac arweiniad ar-lein / Using online advice and guidance Dadansoddi'r syniadau a'r wybodaeth mewn ystod o adnoddau digidol / Analysing the ideas and information in a range of digital resources Dadansoddi'r syniadau a'r wybodaeth mewn ystod o ddeunyddiau ac adnoddau / Analysing the ideas and information in a range of materials and resources Defnyddio offer digidol i gasglu a dadansoddi data / Using digital tools to collect and analyse data Defnyddio dulliau confensiynol i gasglu a dadansoddi data / Using conventional methods to collect and analyse data Cymharu testunau digidol / Comparing digital texts Cymharu testunau / Comparing texts Defnyddio offer digidol ar gyfer chwilio a gwerthuso gwybodaeth a syniadau / Using digital tools for searching and evaluating information and ideas Chwilio a gwerthuso gwybodaeth a syniadau / Searching and evaluating information and ideas
Ymarfer / Practice Mae dysgu trwy ymarfer yn galluogi'r dysgwr i addasu eu gweithredoedd i nod y dasg, a defnyddio'r adborth i wella eu camau nesaf. Gall adborth ddod o hunan-fyfyrio, gan gyfoedion, gan yr athro neu o'r gweithgaredd ei hun, os yw'n dangos iddynt sut i wella canlyniad eu gweithrediad mewn perthynas â'r nod Learning through practice enables the learner to adapt their actions to the task goal, and use the feedback to improve their next action. Feedback may come from self-reflection, from peers, from the teacher, or from the activity itself, if it shows them how to improve the result of their action in relation to the goal
Ymarfer / Practice Reading books, papers; Conventional method
Digital technology practising exercises doing practice-based projects labs field trips face-to-face role-play activities using models simulations microworlds virtual labs and field trips online role play actvities
Cynhyrchu / Production
Dysgu trwy gynhyrchu yw'r ffordd y mae'r athro'n cymell y dysgwr i atgyfnerthu'r hyn y maent wedi'i ddysgu trwy fynegi eu dealltwriaeth gysyniadol gyfredol a sut y maent yn ei ddefnyddio yn ymarferol Learning through production is the way the teacher motivates the learner to consolidate what they have learned by articulating their current conceptual understanding and how they used it in practice
Production Reading books, papers; Conventional method
Digital technology producing articulations using: statements essays reports accounts designs performances artefacts animations models videos producing and storing digital documents representations of designs performances, artefacts animations models resources slideshows photos videos blogs e-portfolios
Investigation Practice Production Collaboration Acquisition ;
Learning types activities , V- Visible learning A - can be assessed (F or S) Investigation Practice Production Web search (forum, wiki) V OER resources (external) Literature reviews and critiques (forum/blog/wiki/RSS) V Field/lab observations (media/blog/wiki) V Action research V Authentic research / data analysis – write a paper V Lead a group project V MCQs - formative with automatic feedback V/A Online role play (forum, virtual classroom) Reflective tasks – group or individual (forum) V/A Case studies (forum, lesson) V/A Rapid-fire exam questions (forum) V/A Advanced role play – you are the consultant etc. V Interview an expert (video/forum/chat) V Literature reviews and critiques (forum/blog/wiki/RSS) V/A MCQs - formative with automatic feedback V/A Develop a shared resource library (database/glossary/wiki) V/A Shows/demonstrates learning (displays, posters, presentations) V/A Portfolios (MyPortfolio) V/A Case studies (forum, lesson) V/A Summarisation tasks (upload texts – individual or group) V/A Rapid-fire exam questions (forum) V/A Concept mapping (external) V Create video of performance (media) V/A Audio commentary of performance (media) V/A Skype or virtual classroom 'viva' V/A Make and give a presentation (external) V/A Video blog (external) V/A Write a report (external) V/A Make an analysis (external) V/A Case studies V/A Advanced role play – you are the consultant etc. V Action plan for workplace V/A Action plan for further study V/A Authentic research / data analysis – write a paper V/A Prepare professional briefing V/A Create, make a case (study) V/A Create podcast (media) V/A Work assignment (blog/report) V/A Interview professional colleagues V/A Lead a group project V/A Collaboration Collaborative wiki - what do we know about ...? V/A Develop a shared resource library (database/glossary/wiki) V Social networking – participate (external) V Special interest groups - share on a topic (forum) V Mentor other learners V ; Acquisition Guided readings (library resources) OER resources (external) Podcast (media) V if students do it Webinars (virtual classroom) V Q&A forum (forum, where teachers answer student questions) V Video lectures (webcast), YouTube videos (external) Field/lab observations (media/blog/wiki) V MCQs - formative with automatic feedback V Portfolios (MyPortfolio) V Discussion Interview an expert (forum/chat) V Webinars (virtual classroom) V Model answers/examples of previous work (forum) Analyse chat text (in course or uploaded) V Job/professional reflections (blog) V/A Group discussions on the topic, problem, reading (chat/blog/wiki) V/A Social networking – participate (external) V Reflective tasks – group or individual (forum) V/A Special interest groups - share on a topic (forum) V Lead a group project V/A
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