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English 2 Mrs. Olsen.

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1 English 2 Mrs. Olsen

2 Please sign in and grab a parent survey
Take a few minutes to fill out the parent survey. Only answer the questions you feel comfortable answering. This information is confidential and will provide me insight so that I can best help your student.

3 What is Standards-Based Grading (SBG)?
Standards-based grading “involves measuring students’ proficiency on well- defined course objectives.” (Tomlinson & McTighe, 2006).

4 Traditional Grading System
Standards-Based Grading System 1. Based on assessment methods (quizzes, tests, homework, projects, etc.). One grade/entry is given per assessment. 1. Based on learning goals and performance standards. One grade/entry is given per learning goal. 2. Assessments are based on a percentage system. Criteria for success may be unclear. 2. Standards are criterion or proficiency-based. Criteria and targets are made available to students ahead of time. 3. Use an uncertain mix of assessment, achievement, effort, and behavior to determine the final grade. May use late penalties and extra credit. 3. Measures achievement only OR separates achievement from effort/behavior. No penalties or extra credit given. 4. Everything goes in the grade book – regardless of purpose. 4. Selected assessments (tests, quizzes, projects, etc.) are used for grading purposes.

5 Why Standards-based Grading?
Studies show standards-based teaching practices correlate to higher academic achievement (Craig, 2011; Schoen, Cebulla, Finn, & Fi, 2003) SBG offers students multiple opportunities to demonstrate learning based on feedback SBG removes “busy work” from the picture and ensures that students are completing assignments that will ultimately benefit them.

6 Standards-based grading and SBAC
EAP (Each spring, all grade eleven students in California take the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics. These assessments also serve as an indicator of readiness for college-level coursework and are used by the California State University (CSU) and participating California Community Colleges (CCCs) to determine whether students need remedial courses in English or math.

7 Sample Rubric

8 Sample Answers Consider the author’s use of the words “static” and “dynamic” in paragraph 8 to explain the concept of cultural identity. What can the reader conclude about the author’s point, and how does that relate to cultural identity? 4 – The author wanted to make it clear that just because many cultures are derived from ancient traditions and civilizations, as the world changes, they change with it. Each new person changes how they practice and represent their culture based on the expectations of today’s society. 3 – Culture isn’t the same for everyone. Culture is constantly changing and never stays as one thing, just as humans also change. Ideas are always developing, and culture is always developing.

9 Grading Scale 30% classwork and homework 70% assessments
Assessments may be a warm up quiz, a written response, a test, an essay, a project, etc. An assessment can be any assignment that looks at a student’s knowledge and/or their academic growth over a period of time. I use assessments to examine students’ skills on concepts focused upon in class.

10 Assessment Re-dos Students are welcome to re-do assessments. They must make an appointment with me ahead of time in order to ensure my availability. Any assessment re-dos must be completed prior to the end of the quarter during which the skill was assessed. Due to their nature, last-minute requests may not be accommodated.

11 Questions? Please feel free to me if you would like to set up a time one-on-one to discuss this coming school year. Thank you for attending Back to School Night. I look forward to a wonderful year! 

12 FAQ’s What is the purpose of the Standards-based report card? The purpose of the Standards-based report card is to provide more detailed feedback regarding the progress children are making towards specific content indicators at each grade level.

13 Further Resources on Standards-based Grading

14 Sample SBAC Rubric

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