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Behavior Knowledge Behavior.

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Presentation on theme: "Behavior Knowledge Behavior."— Presentation transcript:

1 Behavior Knowledge Behavior

2 Health Promotion Models
Theoretical Models Health Promotion Models

3 Health Promotion Models
Health Belief Model factors: Locus of control internal external Self-efficacy

4 Behavior Change Models
Theoretical Models Behavior Change Models

5 Social Cognitive Theory:
Behavior is the result of interactions between individual and environment

6 Diffusion of Innovation Model
Four stages: k____________ _____________ Types of _________: innovators early adopters early majority late majority laggards

7 Stages of Change Model Precontemplation Contemplation Preparation
Action Maintenance

8 Theory of Meaningful Learning
What people will learn depends on ___________________ determine what they already know work to adjust their cognitive schemata

9 Designing Interventions

10 Levels of Prevention Primary Secondary Tertiary ____________
_____________ Tertiary

11 Designing Programs Determine level of prevention
1º, 2º, 3º Determine if individual, group, or system intervention Determine _______, then ___________ objectives, then ___________ objectives

12 Designing Programs Evaluate ________________ of target group
Write _________ objectives, develop ______________, develop ___________ Create a ____________ Develop _____________

13 Levels of Intervention
Physiological Economic Environmental

14 Levels of Intervention
Build awareness Change lifestyle Create supportive environment

15 Types of Programs Mass media based
Community based (make use of existing social structures) Worksite Point of choice (POP) Screening/Referral Legislative Support groups Clinical/Counseling

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