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Please check-in & sit at a table

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1 Please check-in & sit at a table
WELCOME! Please check-in & sit at a table

2 Opening Prayer

3 Apostle’s Creed QUIZ!

4 1. This verse applies to which article
1. This verse applies to which article? “God saw all that He had made and it was very good,” Gen. 1:31. Apostles’ Creed Quiz! First Second Third

5 2. The Holy Spirit “calls, gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies the whole Christian church on earth.”
Apostles’ Creed Quiz! First Second Third

6 3. Pentecost is the Church’s birthday because it was the day the Holy Spirit entered into many lives. Apostles’ Creed Quiz! First Second Third

7 4. “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord,” Luke 2:11.
Apostles’ Creed Quiz! First Second Third

8 5. “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command,” Heb. 11:3.
Apostles’ Creed Quiz! First Second Third

9 6. “The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said,”” Mt. 28:5-6. Apostles’ Creed Quiz! First Second Third

10 7. “You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb,” Ps. 139:13.
Apostles’ Creed Quiz! First Second Third

11 8. This is found in which article’s explanation
8. This is found in which article’s explanation? “I believe that I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or come to Him.” Apostles’ Creed Quiz! First Second Third

12 9. This is found in which article’s explanation
9. This is found in which article’s explanation? “He richly and daily provides me with all that I need to support this body and life.” Apostles’ Creed Quiz! First Second Third

13 10. Jesus has redeemed me, a lost and condemned person.
Apostles’ Creed Quiz! First Second Third

14 11. “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him,” Gen. 1:27.
Apostles’ Creed Quiz! First Second Third

15 Acts 4:12 “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”

16 World Religions

17 Judaism A faith founded on a covenant made by God with Abraham and Sarah. They were “blessed to be a blessing” to the world.

18 Menora Yamakas

19 Judaism Quick Facts 14 million Jews worldwide; 5.5 million in the U.S.
The Torah is their sacred text (First 5 OT Books) A rabbi is the spiritual leader of a synagogue The Talmud includes rabbis’ interpretations of the Torah. Jews can trace their heritage back to Abraham and Sarah’s son, Isaac.

20 Jewish Beliefs Three basic concepts: God, Torah, and Israel.
God freed the Jews from slavery in Egypt. 613 mitzvot (commandments) must be kept by Jews. Jews await the coming Messiah to restore all of creation. Weekly (Sabbath) and annual celebrations (Hanukkah).

21 Islam A faith founded on the revelation of Allah to the prophet Muhammad that guides how people should live so that they will enjoy paradise after their death.

22 Hijabs

23 Islam Quick Facts 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide; 2.6 million in the U.S. (updated in 2013) Founded by the prophet Muhammad in 610 AD. The word, “Islam,” is Arabic for “submission to God.” Muhammad was a descendant of Isaac’s brother, Ishmael. The Koran is their sacred text.

24 Muslim Beliefs Muslims worship Allah through the Five Pillars:
Testimony, prayer, fasting, alms-giving, and pilgrimage Allah has predestined everyone either to paradise or hell. Jesus, along with others in the Bible, was only a prophet. Muhammad was the final prophet and he summed up God’s Word in the Koran.

25 Hinduism A faith that sees this world as an illusion and seeks to help people become one with a divine being that is understood through many forms.

26 Gandhi Hindu Temple

27 Vishnu god Hindu women

28 Hinduism Quick Facts 900 million Hindus worldwide; 1.5 million in U.S. (updated in 2013) There are many sacred Hindu texts & Vedic texts There isn’t one main religious founder. Hinduism developed over many centuries and combined with other traditions. Very complex religion with many gods and ways to achieve reincarnation.

29 Hindu Beliefs Reincarnation – when a person dies, they will “come back” as another living thing. The only way “out” of this repeating cycle is through meditation (using the word, “om”). Karma – every good and bad thing a person does has a reaction. Tilaka – a red dot on a Hindu’s forehead symbolizes a “third eye” which reminds Hindus that the gods see everything.

30 Buddhism A faith that is founded on the teachings of Gautama Buddha and seeks to help people become enlightened or achieve nirvana.

31 Buddhist Temple

32 Buddha statue

33 Buddhism Quick Facts 360 million Buddhists worldwide; 2 million in U.S. Founded by Buddha around 560 BC Buddha means “Enlightened One.” Buddha reached “nirvana” (the highest state of being) and taught people how to achieve it.

34 Buddhist Beliefs Nirvana is achieved through the following Noble Eightfold Path: Right: knowledge, attitude, speech, action, living, effort, mindfulness, and composure. Good karma eliminates current & future suffering.

35 Christianity Numbers 600-800 million Protestants
2.1 Billion Christians in the world million Protestants 2.5 million Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) Lutherans 1,000 members at Faith Lutheran Church 75 youth in Jr. & Sr. FLY

36 Share with your small group one thing you learned tonight and why that “stood out” to you.

37 Jesus says in John 14:6, “I am the way and the truth and the life
Jesus says in John 14:6, “I am the way and the truth and the life. (not rabbis, Muhammad, Vishnu, or Buddha…) NO ONE comes to the Father except through ME.”

38 Confirmands: Kahoot Review game on Jan. 2! Bring a mobile device!

39 “One Thing I Learned” Paper
Due Tuesday, January 2 Guidelines: -1 page paper that includes the following: Introduction paragraph – What is one thing you learned in the past four months of confirmation? Why did that “stick out” to you? Body paragraph – What are the Bible verses and/or Small Catechism references that relate to the one thing you learned and how are they related? Conclusion paragraph – How does the one thing you learned apply to your life?

40 Sign-up to perform onstage by Jan. 14! Sign-up to volunteer, too!

41 Flower City Work Camp “That the city might see Jesus”
Apr. 2-6 (Spring Break) Worksite crew Worship/Eat/Hang out/Sleep at Browncroft or Faith $135 for the first teen in a family $120 for 2nd teen $100 for 3rd teen Online Registration: Dec Jan. 17 Sign-up on FLY Bulletin Board! (Only 11 spots)

42 Merry Christmas! Go in peace and serve the Lord!

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