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Political Behavior and Beliefs

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Presentation on theme: "Political Behavior and Beliefs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Behavior and Beliefs

2 Political Culture The underlying beliefs, values, assumptions, attitudes, and patterns of behavior people have toward government and politics Involves political participation, rights and liberties and views of politicians/government Involves shared values

3 Shared Values American political culture is grounded in classical liberalism equality, individual, property, limited government Shared Values in our political culture Individualism and freedoms or liberty – most revered value Equality – opportunity or outcome???? Importance of individualism Democratic consensus – majority rule, popular sovereignty, two-party system Justice and the rule of law Nationalism, idealism and optimism

4 The American Dream What is it? Is the American Dream alive and well?
Hard work and initiative brings economic success Is the American Dream alive and well?

5 Political Ideologies A coherent set of thoughts and beliefs about politics and the role of government Most common in the US: Conservative Liberal Moderate

6 Liberals Criticisms Relies on government for solutions Forgets basic premise of limited government Too many governmental controls and taxation undermine self-help ethic Government a tool to cure social and economic injustices Strict enforcement of church and state Government should stay out of regulating personal freedoms Support government regulation of the economy

7 Conservatives Criticisms
Individuals responsible for self and should not rely on government Support free market and protection of private property Favor low taxes Oppose government involvement Entitlements and regulations Usually support government action on social issues Pro-life Criticisms Selective opposition to government Insensitive to social needs Racism and sexism Too much faith in market economy Deficits grow

8 Moderates Comprise the largest portion of the American public
No coherent ideology Pragmatists

9 Other Ideologies Libertarians Socialism
Supports individual liberties and a strict limitation on government Opposes government regulations Supports opposition to government End FBI, CIA, government involvement in education, health, welfare, crime control, housing Repeal income tax Socialism Karl Marx – transition between capitalism and communism Economic and governmental system of public ownership of the means of production and exchange Supports greater equality of property rights Support greater involvement of federal government

10 Defining Issues for Ideologies
Civil rights Economics Public and personal issues

11 Political Identity Political Socialization & Political Predispostion
Family Churches Schools Mass Media

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