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Does Height affect Shoe Size?

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Presentation on theme: "Does Height affect Shoe Size?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Does Height affect Shoe Size?
By: Ms. Cooper Block 2 March 23rd, 2018

2 Survey Questions and Variables
- independent variable: height - dependent variable: shoe size in inches Survey Questions: What is your height? What is your shoe size?

3 Response Data Ages surveyed: 13, 14, 15, and 12
Height range: inches Number of girls surveyed: 10 Number of boys surveyed: 10

4 Scatterplot

5 Line of Best Fit y = 3.33x + 30 Y= 3.3x +30

6 Scatterplot- No Correlation example
There was no correlation of the data because there was a wide variety of responses for people in the same age group. I could have asked about age and height to see if there was a more easily defined correlation between those two variables.

7 Reflection - Height and Shoe size
There is a positive correlation between height and shoe size. This means that typically, taller people could have larger feet. To make this survey more valid, I would have chosen a more random sample across different age groups This applies to my life because I can predict how large my feet may get as I grow.

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