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Conducting research for a media product

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1 Conducting research for a media product
L.O. – How do we conduct research when creating a new product for the digital media?

2 What is the role of a researcher in the media industry?
what skills would be required for the job? why are these skills necessary? where might you access information if you were a researcher for a television company? (think about information and skills you have developed from other units) Look at the following webpage: how different is the reality of the job of a researcher to what you thought it might involve?

3 Is all of this new stuff? the short answer is NO
this unit should draw in all of the learning you have carried out for previous units you should think about how they link as we go we may go over old stuff and we may learn new information, but try to think how it all links together to create successful products in the media industry

4 5 minute task (you could look at https://yougov. co
5 minute task (you could look at to give you an idea of the different digital sectors) In pairs, list the different types of media products that that are made by the following sectors: film TV radio print, publishing and web games animation audio Are there any areas of crossover? Give examples of crossover products from your own knowledge and research

5 Conventions of digital media products
What are conventions? Why are they important?

6 Get into groups of 2-3 Each group will be assigned a media sector and a specific media product. You will then source all of the information that you need to enable you to find the conventions for that digital media product (list the sources of information that helped you): television sector: period drama film sector: football documentary games sector: first person shooter publishing sector: pop music e-zine audio sector: teen radio magazine show You will create a PowerPoint presentation to feedback your findings to the group

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