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Bacteria DHO Chapter 14.

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Presentation on theme: "Bacteria DHO Chapter 14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bacteria DHO Chapter 14

2 Bacteria facts Simple, one-celled organisms Multiply rapidly
Killed by antibiotics Some have become antibiotic resistant Classified by shape & arrangement

3 Bacteria Classes Cocci=round or spherical diplococci=cocci in pairs
streptococci=cocci in chains staphylococci=cocci in clusters

4 Bacteria Classes Bacilli=rod-shaped
can occur singly, in pairs, or in chains can have flagella (thread-like projections similar to tails & allow for movement) can form spores (thick-walled capsules) which makes them hard to kill

5 Bacteria Classes Spirilla=spiral or corkscrew

6 Types of Bacterial Infections
Boils Botulism Cholera Diptheria Gonorrhea Meningitis MRSA Pertussis Pneumonia Rheumatic Fever Strep Throat Syphilis Tetanus Toxic Shock Tuberculosis Typhoid UTI Wound Infections

7 Boils

8 Botulism

9 Cholera

10 Diphtheria

11 Gonorrhea

12 Meningitis

13 Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus

14 Pertussis

15 Pneumonia

16 Rheumatic fever

17 Strep throat

18 Syphilis

19 Tetanus

20 Toxic Shock

21 Tuberculosis

22 Typhoid

23 Urinary tract infection

24 Wound infections

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