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Chapter 14. Mendel & Genetics

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1 Chapter 14. Mendel & Genetics

2 Gregor Mendel Modern genetics began in the mid-1800s when Gregor Mendel documented inheritance in peas used experimental method used quantitative analysis collected data & counted them excellent example of scientific method He studied at the University of Vienna from 1851 to 1853 where he was influenced by a physicist who encouraged experimentation and the application of mathematics to science and a botanist who aroused Mendel’s interest in the causes of variation in plants. After the university, Mendel taught at the Brunn Modern School and lived in the local monastery. The monks at this monastery had a long tradition of interest in the breeding of plants, including peas. Around 1857, Mendel began breeding garden peas to study inheritance.

3 Mendel’s work Bred pea plants
cross-pollinated true breeding parents (P) raised seed & then observed traits (F1) filial allowed offspring to cross-pollinate & observed next generation (F2) P = parents F = filial generation

4 Mendel collected data for 7 pea traits

5 Looking closer at Mendel’s work
true-breeding purple-flower peas true-breeding white-flower peas X P 100% purple-flower peas F1 generation (hybrids) 100% In a typical breeding experiment, Mendel would cross-pollinate (hybridize) two contrasting, true-breeding pea varieties. The true-breeding parents are the P generation and their hybrid offspring are the F1 generation. Mendel would then allow the F1 hybrids to self-pollinate to produce an F2 generation. self-pollinate 75% purple-flower peas 25% white-flower peas 3:1 F2 generation

6 What did Mendel’s findings mean?
Traits come in alternative versions purple vs. white flower color alleles different alleles vary in the sequence of nucleotides at the specific locus of a gene purple-flower allele & white-flower allele are 2 DNA variations at flower-color locus different versions of gene on homologous chromosomes

7 Traits are inherited as discrete units
diploid organisms inherits 2 sets of chromosomes, 1 from each parent homologous chromosomes

8 What did Mendel’s findings mean?
Some traits mask others purple & white flower colors are separate traits that do not blend purple x white ≠ light purple purple masked white dominant allele fully expressed recessive allele no noticeable effect the gene makes a non-functional protein

9 Genotype vs. phenotype phenotype genotype
description of an organism’s trait what it “looks” like genotype description of an organism’s genetic makeup F1 P Explain Mendel’s results using …dominant & recessive …phenotype & gentotype

10 PP pp Pp x Making crosses using representative letters
flower color alleles  P or p true-breeding purple-flower peas  PP true-breeding white-flower peas  pp PP x pp Pp

11 Looking closer at Mendel’s work
true-breeding purple-flower peas true-breeding white-flower peas X P PP pp phenotype 100% purple-flower peas 100% purple-flower peas F1 generation (hybrids) 100% 100% Pp Pp Pp Pp self-pollinate 75% purple-flower peas 75% purple-flower peas 25% white-flower peas 3:1 3:1 F2 generation ? ? ? ?

12 Punnett squares Pp x Pp PP P p Pp P p PP Pp Pp pp Pp pp 25% 75% 50%
genotype % phenotype 25% 75% PP P p male / sperm 50% Pp P p female / eggs PP Pp Pp 25% 25% pp Pp pp 1:2:1 3:1

13 Genotypes Homozygous = same alleles = PP, pp
Heterozygous = different alleles = Pp homozygous dominant homozygous recessive

14 Phenotype vs. genotype 2 organisms can have the same phenotype but have different genotypes PP homozygous dominant purple Pp heterozygous purple

15 Dominant phenotypes It is not possible to determine the genotype of an organism with a dominant phenotype by looking at it. PP? Pp?

16 Test cross Cross-breed the dominant phenotype — unknown genotype — with a homozygous recessive (pp) to determine the identity of the unknown allele x is it PP or Pp? pp

17 Test cross x x PP pp Pp pp p p p p Pp Pp Pp Pp P P 50%:50% 1:1 100% P

18 Mendel’s laws of heredity (#1)
PP P Law of segregation when gametes are produced during meiosis, homologous chromosomes separate from each other each allele for a trait is packaged into a separate gamete pp p Pp P p

19 Law of Segregation What meiotic event creates the law of segregation?
Meiosis 1

20 Monohybrid cross Some of Mendel’s experiments followed the inheritance of single characters flower color seed color monohybrid crosses

21 Dihybrid cross Other of Mendel’s experiments followed the inheritance of 2 different characters seed color and seed shape dihybrid crosses

22 Dihybrid cross P YYRR yyrr 100% F1 YyRr 9:3:3:1 F2 x true-breeding
yellow, round peas true-breeding green, wrinkled peas x YYRR yyrr Y = yellow R = round y = green r = wrinkled 100% F1 generation (hybrids) yellow, round peas YyRr self-pollinate Wrinkled seeds in pea plants with two copies of the recessive allele are due to the accumulation of monosaccharides and excess water in seeds because of the lack of a key enzyme. The seeds wrinkle when they dry. Both homozygous dominants and heterozygotes produce enough enzyme to convert all the monosaccharides into starch and form smooth seeds when they dry. 9/16 yellow round peas 9:3:3:1 3/16 green wrinkled 1/16 F2 generation

23 What’s going on here? How are the alleles on different chromosomes handed out? together or separately? YyRr YyRr YR yr YR Yr yR yr

24 Dihybrid cross YyRr x YyRr YR Yr yR yr YR Yr yR yr YYRR YYRr YyRR YyRr
9/16 yellow round YR Yr yR yr YR Yr yR yr 3/16 green round YYRR YYRr YyRR YyRr YYRr YYrr YyRr Yyrr 3/16 yellow wrinkled YyRR YyRr yyRR yyRr 1/16 green wrinkled YyRr Yyrr yyRr yyrr

25 Mendel’s laws of heredity (#2)
Law of independent assortment each pair of alleles segregates into gametes independently 4 classes of gametes are produced in equal amounts YR, Yr, yR, yr only true for genes on separate chromosomes YyRr Yr Yr yR yR YR YR yr yr

26 Law of Independent Assortment
What meiotic event creates the law of independent assortment? Meiosis 1

27 Review: Mendel’s laws of heredity
Law of segregation monohybrid cross single trait each allele segregates into separate gametes established by Meiosis 1 Law of independent assortment dihybrid (or more) cross 2 or more traits each pair of alleles for genes on separate chromosomes segregates into gametes independently

28 Extending Mendelian genetics
Mendel worked with a simple system peas are genetically simple most traits are controlled by a single gene each gene has only 2 alleles, 1 of which is completely dominant to the other The relationship between genotype & phenotype is rarely that simple

29 Incomplete dominance Heterozygotes show an intermediate phenotype
RR = red flowers rr = white flowers Rr = pink flowers make 50% less color

30 Incomplete dominance P F1 100% 1:2:1 F2 X true-breeding red flowers
white flowers P 100% pink flowers F1 generation (hybrids) 100% self-pollinate 25% red 50% pink 25% white 1:2:1 F2 generation

% genotype % phenotype CRCR 25% 25% CR CW male / sperm 50% 50% CRCW CRCR CRCW CR CW female / eggs CRCW CWCW 25% 25% CRCW CWCW 1:2:1 1:2:1

32 Co-dominance 2 alleles affect the phenotype in separate, distinguishable ways ABO blood groups 3 alleles IA, IB, i both IA & IB are dominant to i allele IA & IB alleles are co-dominant to each other determines presences of oligosaccharides on the surface of red blood cells

33 Blood type IA IA IA i type A IB IB IB i type B IA IB type AB i i
genotype phenotype status IA IA IA i type A type A oligosaccharides on surface of RBC __ IB IB IB i type B type B oligosaccharides on surface of RBC IA IB type AB both type A & type B oligosaccharides on surface of RBC universal recipient i i type O no oligosaccharides on surface of RBC universal donor

34 Blood compatibility 1901 | 1930 Matching compatible blood groups
critical for blood transfusions A person produces antibodies against oligosaccharides in foreign blood wrong blood type donor’s blood has A or B oligosaccharide that is foreign to recipient antibodies in recipient’s blood bind to foreign molecules cause donated blood cells to clump together can kill the recipient Karl Landsteiner ( )

35 Blood donation

36 Pleiotropy Most genes are pleiotropic
one gene affects more than one phenotypic character wide-ranging effects due to a single gene: dwarfism (achondroplasia) gigantism (acromegaly) The genes that we have covered so far affect only one phenotypic character, but most genes are pleiotropic

37 Acromegaly: André the Giant

38 Pleiotropy It is not surprising that a gene can affect a number of organism’s characteristics cystic fibrosis mucus build up in many organs sickle cell anemia sickling of blood cells

39 Epistasis One gene masks another coat color in mice = 2 genes
pigment (C) or no pigment (c) more pigment (black=B) or less (brown=b) cc = albino, no matter B allele 9:3:3:1 becomes 9:3:4

40 Polygenic inheritance
Some phenotypes determined by additive effects of 2 or more genes on a single character phenotypes on a continuum human traits skin color height weight eye color intelligence behaviors

41 Nature vs. nurture Phenotype is controlled by both environment & genes
Human skin color is influenced by both genetics & environmental conditions Coat color in arctic fox influenced by heat sensitive alleles The relative importance of genes & the environment in influencing human characteristics is a very old & hotly contested debate a single tree has leaves that vary in size, shape & color, depending on exposure to wind & sun for humans, nutrition influences height, exercise alters build, sun-tanning darkens the skin, and experience improves performance on intelligence tests even identical twins — genetic equals — accumulate phenotypic differences as a result of their unique experiences Color of Hydrangea flowers is influenced by soil pH

42 Sex-linked traits Although differences between women & men are many, the chromosomal basis of sex is rather simple In humans & other mammals, there are 2 sex chromosomes: X & Y 2 X chromosomes develops as a female: XX redundancy an X & Y chromosome develops as a male: XY no redundancy

43 autosomal chromosomes
Sex chromosomes autosomal chromosomes sex chromosomes

44 Genes on sex chromosomes
Y chromosome SRY: sex-determining region master regulator for maleness turns on genes for production of male hormones pleiotropy! X chromosome other traits beyond sex determination hemophilia Duchenne muscular dystrophy color-blind Duchenne muscular dystrophy affects one in 3,500 males born in the United States. Affected individuals rarely live past their early 20s. This disorder is due to the absence of an X-linked gene for a key muscle protein, called dystrophin. The disease is characterized by a progressive weakening of the muscles and loss of coordination.

45 Human X chromosome Sex-linked usually X-linked
more than 60 diseases traced to genes on X chromosome

46 Map of Human Y chromosome?
< 30 genes on Y chromosome SRY

47 Sex-linked traits XHXh XHY Hh x HH XHXh XH Xh XH Y XHXH XHXH XHY XHY
sex-linked recessive XHXh XHY Hh x HH XHXh XH Xh XH Y male / sperm XHXH XHXH XHY XHY XH Xh female / eggs XHY Y XH XHXh XHXh XhY XhY

48 Sex-linked traits summary
follow the X chromosomes males get their X from their mother trait is never passed from father to son Y-linked very few traits only 26 genes trait is only passed from father to son females cannot inherit trait


50 Hemophilia is a sex-linked recessive trait defined by the absence of one or more clotting factors.
These proteins normally slow and then stop bleeding. Individuals with hemophilia have prolonged bleeding because a firm clot forms slowly. Bleeding in muscles and joints can be painful and lead to serious damage. Individuals can be treated with intravenous injections of the missing protein.

51 X-inactivation Female mammals inherit two X chromosomes
one X becomes inactivated during embryonic development condenses into compact object = Barr body

52 X-inactivation & tortoise shell cat
2 different cell lines in cat

53 Mechanisms of inheritance
What causes dominance vs. recessive? genes code for polypeptides polypeptides are processed into proteins proteins function as… enzymes structural proteins hormones

54 Prevalence of dominance
Because an allele is dominant does not mean… it is better it is more common Polydactyly: dominant allele

55 Polydactyly recessive allele far more common than dominant
individuals are born with extra fingers or toes dominant to the recessive allele for 5 digits recessive allele far more common than dominant  399 individuals out of have only 5 digits  most people are homozygous recessive (aa)

56 Hound Dog Taylor

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