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THIS IS Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 THIS IS Jeopardy

2 With Your Host... Ms. Burgess!!!

3 Expository/Persuasion
Jeopardy Writing and Grammar Grab Bag Literary Response Expository/Persuasion Research / MLA Literary Devices 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

4 What is the difference between a topic and a theme?

5 A topic is a one-word subject, a theme is a message or idea expressed in a sentence

6 Explain one strategy of determining the meaning of an unknown word.

7 Connecting to familiar words Connecting to other languages
Using context clues Connecting to familiar words Connecting to other languages A 200

8 Give one similarity and one difference between the literary devices in a novel and a play.

9 Teacher discretion A 300

10 What is the purpose of a thesis statement?

11 To provide the author’s argument and outline the body paragraphs of the essay with three pieces of evidence. A 400

12 Explain one way that authors help readers visualize the story (be specific).

13 Teacher Discretion A 500

14 Define characterization.
B 100

15 Characterization is the presentation of a character’s personality traits.
B 100

16 What is the difference between internal and external conflict?

17 Internal conflict is the character versus themselves, while external conflict is the characters versus others, nature, or society. B 200

18 Give one example of how the relationship between two characters affects the plot of the story.

19 Teacher Discretion B 300

20 Explain the difference between tone and mood.

21 Tone is the sound or attitude of the text, while mood is the feeling of the reader created by the text. B 400

22 Explain the plot of one story we read this year, using each stage of plot structure.
B 500

23 Teacher discretion B 500

24 List the 3 persuasive appeals.
C 100

25 Logos, Pathos, Ethos C 100

26 What type of persuasive appeal is the following sentence: don’t ditch school because it is wrong to ditch. C 200

27 Ethos C 200

28 Give me a pathos persuasive sentence.

29 Teacher discretion C 300


31 What is one way the writer of advertisement can get the viewer’s attention?

32 Teacher discretion C 400

33 Give me a thesis statement with one historical example for the following prompt: Do memories hinder or help people in their effort to learn from the past and succeed in the present? C 500

34 Teacher discretion C 500

35 What is the format for a book title?
D 100

36 Underline or italicized

37 What is the purpose of a citing your sources?
D 200

38 To avoid plagarism D 200

39 True or False: A Works-Cited list can have numbers and bullet points.

40 False D 300

41 What is wrong with the following Works Cited – list?
Steinbeck, John. Of Mice and Men. London: 1937. D 400

42 Missing the publication company
D 400

43 What three things are wrong with the following in-text citation?
Spit it out Scout”! (Lee, 33) D 500

44 It is missing beginning quotations, punctuation is outside the ending quotation marks and there is a comma in between the author’s name and page number of book. D 500

45 Define metaphor. E 100

46 A comparison of two things not using ‘like’ or ‘as.’

47 What is the purpose of using figurative language?

48 The purpose of using figurative language is to help the reader visualize or make the description more interesting. E 200

49 Name a symbol in To Kill a Mockingbird and explain what it represents.

50 Teacher discretion E 300

51 Give a sentence using personification.

52 Teacher discretion E 400

53 Give an example of one device that contributed to a major theme in To Kill a Mockingbird.

54 Teacher discretion E 500

55 What is the difference between an adverb and an adjective?

56 An adverb describes a verb, and an adjective describes a noun.
F 100

57 Fix the following sentence so that it is precise:
I need to put stuff in my thesis statement to prove my point. F 200

58 I need concrete examples in my thesis statement to prove my point.
F 200

59 Fix the following sentence:
Monique and me parked our Honda red van on the bridge. F 300

60 Monique and I parked our red Honda van on the bridge.
F 300

61 Outline the business letter format on the board.

62 Teacher Discretion F 400

63 What is the difference between response to literature essays and expository essays?

64 Response to literature essays use textual examples, and expository essays use real-life examples.

65 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Response to Literature - TRP
Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

66 Write a TRP: Analyze the connotation of the following sentence:
Della’s beautiful hair fell about her, rippling and shining like a cascade of brown waters. Click on screen to continue

67 Click on screen to continue
Teacher Discretion Click on screen to continue

68 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy!
Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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