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Reaction Car project By: Jackson, AJ, Tommy.

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1 Reaction Car project By: Jackson, AJ, Tommy

2 Reaction Chemistry HCl + NaHCO3  CO2 + H2O
n= PV/rT = (5 atm)(.7 L )/ ( L-atm/mol-K)(293 K) = .146 mol .146 mol B.S. X 84 g/mol = 12.26g B.S. 1:1 ratio from equation= mol B.S. = mol HCl .146 mol HCl X M HCl X 1000mL/ L = mL

3 Car Design

4 Data and Plots Trial B.S. (g) HCl (mL) water (mL) distance (ft) 1
11.57 12.1 38 35 2 11.37 24 3 11.39 15 4 11.38 28 30.5 5 11.28 29.5 6 11.01 29 22.75 7 10.99 18 22.8 8 11.16 22 18.75 9 11.31 20

5 Conclusion We used sulfuric acid in our first several trials, but like many other groups, we could not get this acid to produce enough pressure to propel the car. Our second acid was HCl, and it performed much better in our trials, reaching 24 ft exactly at one point. However in our final tests, our same measurements of Baking soda and HCl were inconsistent mainly due to a faulty cap and leaky bottle. If we could redesign this car, we would improve the wheel structure with tighter clamps to hold the wheels in place better because we had issues with moving in a straight line. This would also keep the wheels equally spaced. As trials went on, the seal between the cap and bottle got weaker and weaker. If we could do it over we would have obtained a new bottle and cap for the final because our bottle and cap were on their last leg, so to speak.

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