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Presentation on theme: "SEFMD STRATEGIC PLANNING"— Presentation transcript:

Board of Directors Committees

2 Strategy: 2.1 Assure there is a succession plan for SEFMD Co-Fair Directors
Committee Name: Succession plan for SEFMD Co-Fair Directors Overview: Assure continuity for SEFMD fair directors such that they are able to maintain the high standard of excellence in the planning and execution of SEFMD, State Fair and any other fairs SEFMD assumes the responsibility for. Sep-16 Determine core competencies for each Co-Fair Director position 2.1.1 Aug-16 Consult with current Co-Fair Directors (Exec. Comm.) 2.1.2 Jan-17 Appoint Fair Director (s) In-Training 2.1.3 Hire Intern for Co-Science Fair Directors 2.1.4

3 Strategy: 3.1 Evaluate the possibility of providing further offerings, e.g. Invention Fair, in addition to the sefmd isef-compliant fair. Committee Name: Reinvigorate Fair Overview: Investigate and evaluate expanding the SEFMD beyond it’s current purview. Dec-16 Research other Science Fair offerings and STEM competitions 3.1.1 Jan-17 Determine the feasibility of providing at least one new offering in the next fair cycle 3.1.2

4 Strategy: 3.5 Engage in a due diligence process to evaluate the pros and cons of continuing within the isef structure to assure an informed decision going forward. Evaluate the possibility of providing further offerings, e.g. invention fair, in addition to the sefmd isef-compliant fair. Committee Name: ISEF Compliance Overview: Investigate and evaluate continued compliance with ISEF structure. Dec-16 Research other Science Fair offerings and STEM competitions 3.1.1 Jan-17 Determine the feasibility of providing at least one new offering in the next fair cycle 3.1.2

5 Strategy: 4.3, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, & 8.1 Assure there is a succession plan for the SEFMD board of directors including efficiency, structure, effectiveness, and sustainability Committee Name: Board of Directors Succession Plan Overview: Assure continuity for SEFMD Board of Directors outlining board needs, types and recruiting techniques. Create a SEFMD Donor Advisory Board 4.3 Annually in Feb. Executive Committee analysis 7.1 Evaluate efficiency and effectiveness, representation, systems & processes 7.1.1 Evaluate the need for a formal board committee structure 7.2.1 Rebuild the board based on findings 7.3.1 Create board committee chairs and assistant chairs 8.1.1 Create board development committee 8.1.2 Revisit bylaws as they relate to term limits 8.1.3

6 Strategy: 4.5 Improve collaboration with industries and universities for a higher mutual return-on-investment of resources for sefmd and key strategic deliverables that industries and universities are requesting. Committee Name: Improve Industry and Higher Education Collaboration Overview: Improve collaboration with industries and universities for a win-win scenario regarding mutual return-on-investment of resources Identify university and industry contacts 4.5.1 Find ways to develop relationships 4.5.2

7 Strategy: 4.5 Create a robust social media campaign congruent and complementary to the PR plan that provides on-going social media contact with key constituent groups Committee Name: Social Media Overview: Reinvigorate the Fair community outreach with intensive logo, website, social media presence and community activities. 1/17 – 6/18 Explore the possibility of hiring a PR/donor relations/fundraising professional to manage social media, fundraising, and community relations. 4.5.1

8 Strategy: 5.1 develop and implement a marketing and pr plan for each constituent group.
Committee Name: Marketing Plan Overview: Develop a marketing plan to increase the awareness of SEFMD in schools, the local community, business community and among institutions of higher learning. Determine constituent group (PR/Marketing) 5.1.1 Develop marketing plans for specific target 5.1.2 Identify media streams to use (PR) 5.1.3

9 Strategy: 7.4 Create an ad hoc board committee to address the state science fair as a future strategic issue. Committee Name: State Science Fair Overview: Investigate and evaluate issues regarding the State Science Fair Dec-16 Create committee 7.4.1 Jan-17 Committee researches issues and makes recommendations 7.4.2

10 Strategy: 8.2 Evaluate the need for a formal fundraising and grant writing professional to solicit the increased funds this strategic plan will require. Committee Name: Fundraising Overview: Determine what resources are required to obtain the level of fundraising necessary to sustain and grow SEFMD Dec-16 Quantify fundraising needs based on strategic plan 8.2.1


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