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complextractors! (advanced extractors)

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1 complextractors! (advanced extractors)

2 types of extractors (pyclowder2)
trigger on a single file can specify type trigger on dataset change add/remove file cannot specify type (yet) trigger on metadata change add/remove metadata trigger on custom combos extractors-rulechecker is really dataset > file added have a PSQL db at your disposal

3 trigger on single file check_message() resource
process_message() resource includes locally accessible path and pointer to dataset

4 trigger on dataset change
check_message() resource process_message()

5 trigger on dataset change caveats
receives message every time a file is added to a dataset if extractor requires input files A,B,C,D,E then you will see at least 5 messages as those are added have to make sure you don’t truly process until all 5 are present! the list of files is fetched after message, not as part of it - it will have files that were added later! we can account for this...

6 trigger on dataset change check if this message is the latest one

7 trigger on metadata change
can trigger on both files and datasets includes the metadata that was added or removed useful for extractors that react to updated metadata parameters

8 trigger on custom combos extractors-rulechecker - actual rule functions to execute, akin to check_message() rule_extractor_map.json - mapping of rule functions to which extractors they trigger accumulate information across datasets into a DB when criteria are met, trigger a target extractor directly synthesize two distinct sensor datasets by timestamp extractors at the collection level - e.g. stitching a day of images sufficient bounding box coverage of target area is achieved

9 trigger on custom combos rule_extractor_map.json

10 trigger on custom combos
getFilesByType(resource, extension) checkRequiredFiles(resource, rulemap, extractor) submitProgressToDB(rule, extractor, target_output, id_list, jsonobj) target_output is just a unique key name id_list is a list of UUIDs you care about jsonobj is whatever retrieveProgressFromDB(target_output)

11 trigger on custom combos

12 trigger on custom combos

13 trigger on custom combos no rulechecker
RabbitMQ image combiner queue image combiner 90 messages 90 messages 90 files uploaded 15 image pairs (30) 15 music sample sets (30) 15 audio recordings (30) music synthesizer queue music synthesizer 90 messages 90 messages audiobook generator queue audiobook generator 90 messages 90 messages

14 trigger on custom combos YES rulechecker
RabbitMQ image combiner 30 messages 90 files uploaded 15 image pairs (30) 15 music sample sets (30) 15 audio recordings (30) rulechecker queue music synthesizer 90 messages 30 messages combiner rule audiobook generator 30 messages synthesizer rule audiobook rule

15 future stuff unify file and dataset extractor concepts
return all necessary dataset info with file extraction add UI element for datasets for extraction events support collection-level extractors more explicitly Clowder as workflow engine...? HOW FAR IS TOO FAR

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