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Sphinx Python Documentation Generator

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Presentation on theme: "Sphinx Python Documentation Generator"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sphinx Python Documentation Generator
Indira Gutierrez

2 Useful Commands Function Command Installation pip install sphinx Setup
sphinx-quickstart Running the build Sphinx-build –b html sourcedir builddir Make html

3 Required Setup In ./docs/source/
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../..')) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../../pygeotemporal'))

4 Index.rst Note How the == need to be the exact length as the title
Special format for inline hyperlinks: `Link text < Names of additional files to be included

5 Names of additional files to be included
Modules.rst Insert a Table of Contents tree with max depth 4 (The level of which it will include the kids table contents) Names of additional files to be included

6 Pyclowder.rst Automodule: Document whole classes.
Members: Automatically document members, can also be a list of selected members to document Undoc-members: Add this option to include members that don’t have docstring Show-inheritance: With this option, a list of base classes will be inserted just below the class signature

7 Docstring that will get added to documentation
Source Code Docstring that will get added to documentation

8 Output

9 Generated Documentation

10 Documentation Site

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