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Retention of Businesses in Your Community

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Presentation on theme: "Retention of Businesses in Your Community"— Presentation transcript:

1 Attraction, Expansion and Retention of Businesses Illinois Municipal League

2 Retention of Businesses in Your Community
Attraction, Expansion and Retention of Businesses in Your Community Illinois Municipal League

3 David Dorgan Craig Hullinger AICP Over 35 years of experience each

4 Vital for Your Community Very difficult Takes hard work, planning, and follow-through.

5 Economic Development Strategy
You should do one. But most communities want to get started RIGHT NOW! So in the interim you can use this strategy

6 KEEP Keep the businesses and jobs that you have Expand the businesses you have Enhance your community to attract new businesses Protect and continuously improve your business environment

7 KEA Alternate Acronym Keep Expand Attract

8 “Keep What You Have” is the Cardinal Rule But Just How do you do that?

9 Simple Rules 1. Run an efficient, honest, and friendly local government. 2. Know your business community. 3. Let your business leaders know that they are appreciated. 4. Keep your businesses informed. 5. Help your business community when you can.

10 Who Does Your Business Retention?
Make Business retention a focus of your town Make your employees aware of importance Your employees are key Part of their function is regulator The police, fire and inspections Be positive and fair

11 Create a Commission 7 Members, Leaders and Workers One City Council Member

12 Provide Commission resources
Print Business Cards Secretarial Support Staff Support

13 Pick Positive, Can Do People
Pick Positive, Can Do People! No Downheaded Folks Economic Development = Optimism

14 Tell Your Business Community You Appreciate Them
Business Breakfast Awards, Recognition Meet with them, ask them what they like and don’t like. Fix the problems.

15 Expansion of Business Expand the Businesses You have Work with State and Regional Agencies Find out about State Programs

16 Programs to Help Expansion
Tax Increment Financing Enterprise Zone Business Development Districts Low Interest Loan Programs State and Regional Programs

17 Ehancement Make Your Community Nicer
Leave your town better than you found it. Better Parks Make your entrance to town nice Downtown good looking

18 PROTECT AND IMPROVE ATTRACTION Hardest Thing to Do Remember, Keep What you have 1st!!

19 What Types of Business? What do you have now? More of the same?
Or Something Different?

20 Technical Terms SAATMACATF Shoot at Anything that Moves and
Claim Anything that Falls


22 Marketing Web Site Brochure Social Marketing Blog Facebook Twitter Linked in You Tube

23 Marketing - Tell Your Story
Works for: Retention Expansion Enhancement Protection

24 More Info at

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