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The Narmer Palette.

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1 The Narmer Palette

2 What is the Narmer Palette?
The palette is the first historical document in the world (c BCE) Palettes were typically used for grinding cosmetics, but this palette is too large (2 feet high) and heavy (and elaborate) to have been created for personal use, and was likely a ritual object, specifically made for donation to, or use in, a temple. One theory was that it was used to grind cosmetics to adorn the statues of the gods.

3 The Palette’s Top A) Serekh (a palace) with a fish (Har) and chisel (mer) inside B) Celestial goddess Hathor (half human, half bovine) Bull = virility and strength

4 Back Central Scene Narmer strikes down a foe. Many Egyptologists have been tempted to interpret this scene as the conquest of Lower Egypt by Narmer. C) White crown of Upper Egypt D) About to strike the enemy with a mace E) Belt is an official garment

5 Back Central Scene, cont’d
F) Bald person holds the king's sandals in his left hand and a basket in his right. The signs written behind this man's head may denote his title.

6 I) Everybody stands on registers (a line)
G) A falcon, symbol of the king, is perched on top of the papyrus plants and appears to draw the breath of life out of the nostrils of the marshland's face. H) Six papyrus plants mean the 6,000 towns in Lower Egypt brought under control I) Everybody stands on registers (a line) Objects not merely floating around

7 Back Bottom Scene J) Symbolic of conquered peoples underfoot

8 Front Top Scene K) Narmer now wearing the red crown of Lower Egypt
L) Pharaohic procession 4 emblems preceeding Narmer: First represents some kind of animal skin, the second a dog and the next two a falcon. M) 10 decapitated corpses are shown lying on the ground, their heads thrown between their legs. Above the victims, a ship with a harpoon and a falcon in it, are drawn. These signs are often interpreted as the name of the conquered region.

9 Front Central Scene N) Taming of panther-giraffe-like creatures is metaphor for unification of Egypt

10 Front Bottom Scene O) A bull, almost certainly a symbol of the king's vigour and strength, tramples a fallen foe P) The bull attacks the walls of a city or fortress with its horns

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