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Age of Absolutism (1660-1787).

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Presentation on theme: "Age of Absolutism (1660-1787)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Age of Absolutism ( )

2 What is Absolutism Period of time when Europe’s monarchs got stronger
Caused by the reformation and age of exploration, monarch rules with absolute power What does Absolute means to you?

3 Examples of Absolutist
Frederick William The Great Elector Elizabeth I Louis XIV

4 Leaders that are Absolutist
Your turn to help! Leaders that are Absolutist Leaders that aren't Absolutist Kings/Queens Pharaoh Emperor Tsar/czars/csar Furner Dictator Presidents Prime minster Democracy Republic

5 Louis XIV King of France Nickname: The Sun King
Built the Place of Versailles Drove out the Huguenots(French protestant) out of France Reduce the power of the nobles -FYI- Louis XIV is consider the inventor of style or chic for France

6 Frederick William The Great Elector
Frederick William of Hohenzollern (Prussia) Abolished the Serf System In 1653, the Diet of Brandenburg gave him to tax as he pleased Passed a series of measures to protect religious minorities including Muslim( however not Jews)

7 Elizabeth I Queen of England Defeated the Spanish armada
Never got married -FYI- See never got married and was named the virgin queen of England - Virginia was named from her

8 Devine Right Theory Was the idea that god had chosen leader.
The people during this era believe this. If you question the king, you question God. Rulers became the nation(Louis XIV: “L’etat, C’est Moi!) the State? That’s me!

9 Stop and Think Do you think that this was a good way to rule a country? Can you name example of government like this in modern history ? What are some ways that Europe improved during this age. Can you define the a constitutional monarchy?

10 Form of government Democracy Monarchy Tyranny Aristocracy Communism

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