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Edge Phenomena 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Edge Phenomena 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Edge Phenomena 1

2 Lenition Lenition means weakening 2

3 Lenition Lenition means weakening
Lots of processes are kinds of lenition Devoicing word finally ‘big bad Bob’ [bɪ:g̥ bæ:d̥ ba:b̥] 3

4 Lenition Lenition means weakening
Lots of processes are kinds of lenition Deletion word finally ‘He went over and slept on the floor’ ‘He wen’ over an’ slep’ on the floo’’ 4

5 Lenition Lenition means weakening
Lots of processes are kinds of lenition Changes to [h] or [ʔ] in coda ‘Ba[ʔ]man pu[ʔ] foo[ʔ]ball a[ʔ] last place’ 5

6 Lenition Lenition means weakening
Lots of processes are kinds of lenition Changes to [h] or [ʔ] in coda Spanish /s/ > [h] que Es.te.ban mu.cho 6

7 Lenition Lenition means weakening
Lots of processes are kinds of lenition Changes to [h] or [ʔ] in coda Spanish /s/ > [h] E[h].to que E[h].te.ban pe[h] co[h] mu.cho 7

8 Syllable coda Status of [l] and [ɫ] in English wha[ɫ]e fee[ɫ]
fee[l]ing [l]ift pai[ɫ] She[ɫ]don Co[ɫ]ton [l]ead mai[ɫ] mai[l]ing 8

9 Syllable coda Status of [l] and [ɫ] in English [ɫ] appears in coda
[l] appears elsewhere 9

10 Syllable coda Korean Rupi Mul kirI Pal Saram saxul Irumi Ilkop Ratio

11 Syllable coda Korean Rupi [r] in onset, [l] in coda Mul kirI Pal Saram
saxul Irumi Ilkop Ratio ipalsa 11

12 Fortition In onset, some Cs get strengthened 12

13 Fortition Word initially some Cs get strengthened
Spanish /ɾ/ realized as [r] [r]eal Madrid 13

14 Fortition Word initially some Cs get strengthened English aspiration
[ph]ier strong aspiration s[p]ear no aspiration a[ph]ear weak aspiration 14

15 Fortition Word initially some Cs get strengthened
Spanish /j/ > [ʤ] (glide to affricate) ‘yo lloro’ [ʤo ʤoɾo] 15

16 Fortition Prenasalization: [b] vs. [mb]? 16

17 How many nasal phonemes?

18 How many nasal phonemes?
What appears word finally? What appears word initially before V? What appears intervocalically? What appears before C? 18

19 How many nasal phonemes?
Initial before V final intervocalic Before alveolar Before velar m m, ŋ n ŋ 19

20 How many nasal phonemes?
[m]--/m/ [ŋ]--/ŋ/ Initial before V final intervocalic Before alveolar Before velar m m, ŋ n ŋ 20

21 How many nasal phonemes?
Analysis One /m/—[n] intervocalically and before alveolar /m/--[ŋ] before velar /m/--[m] elsewhere [ŋ]--/ŋ/ Initial before V final intervocalic Before alveolar Before velar m m, ŋ n ŋ 21

22 How many nasal phonemes?
Analysis One /m/—[n] intervocalically and before alveolar /m/--[ŋ] before velar /m/--[m] elsewhere [ŋ]--/ŋ/ (overlap) Initial before V final intervocalic Before alveolar Before velar m m, ŋ n ŋ 22

23 How many nasal phonemes?
Analysis Two /m/—[m] [ŋ]--/ŋ/ elsewhere [ŋ]--/n/ before alveolar and intervocalically Initial before V final intervocalic Before alveolar Before velar m m, ŋ n ŋ 23

24 How many nasal phonemes now?
What appears word finally? What appears word initially before V? What appears intervocalically? What appears before C? 24

25 How many nasal phonemes now?
[m] and [n] contrast [m] and [ŋ] contrast Initial before V final intervocalic Before alveolar Before velar m, n m, ŋ n ŋ 25

26 How many nasal phonemes now?
[m] and [n] contrast [m] and [ŋ] contrast But, [n] and [ŋ] don’t contrast Initial before V final intervocalic Before alveolar Before velar m, n m, ŋ n ŋ 26

27 How many nasal phonemes now?
[m] and [n] contrast [m] and [ŋ] contrast But, [n] and [ŋ] don’t contrast They are complementary [ŋ] word finally and before velar [n] elsewhere Initial before V final intervocalic Before alveolar Before velar m, n m, ŋ n ŋ 27

28 How many nasal phonemes now?
/m/--[m] /n/--[ŋ] word final, before velars [n]—[n] elsewhere Initial before V final intervocalic Before alveolar Before velar m, n m, ŋ n ŋ 28

29 How many nasal phonemes now?
What would additional data would show [n] and [ŋ] belong to different phonemes? Initial before V final intervocalic Before alveolar Before velar m, n m, ŋ n ŋ 29

30 How many nasal phonemes now?
What would additional data would show [n] and [ŋ] belong to different phonemes? Initial before V final intervocalic Before alveolar Before velar m, n m, ŋ n, ŋ n ŋ 30

31 How many nasal phonemes now?
What would additional data would show [n] and [ŋ] belong to different phonemes? Initial before V final intervocalic Before alveolar Before velar m, n, ŋ m, ŋ n ŋ 31

32 How many nasal phonemes now?
What would additional data would show [n] and [ŋ] belong to different phonemes? Initial before V final intervocalic Before alveolar Before velar m, n m, ŋ n n,ŋ ŋ 32

33 How many nasal phonemes now?
What would additional data would show [n] and [ŋ] belong to different phonemes? Initial before V final intervocalic Before alveolar Before velar m, n m, ŋ n n, ŋ 33

34 Vowels [+back] = back vowels [-back] = front vowels 34

35 Vowels [+back] = back vowels [-back] = front vowels
[+high] = high vowels [-high] = mid and low vowels 35

36 Vowels [+back] = back vowels [-back] = front vowels
[+high] = high vowels [-high] = mid and low vowels [+low] = low vowels [-low] = high and mid vowels Mid vowels are [-low] [-high] 36

37 Vowels [+back] = back vowels [-back] = front vowels
[+high] = high vowels [-high] = mid and low vowels [+low] = low vowels [-low] = high and mid vowels Mid vowels are [-low] [-high] [+ATR] = tense vowels, [-ATR] = lax vowels 37

38 Vowels [+back] = back vowels [-back] = front vowels
[+high] = high vowels [-high] = mid and low vowels [+low] = low vowels [-low] = high and mid vowels Mid vowels are [-low] [-high] [+ATR] = tense vowels, [-ATR] = lax vowels [+round] = round vowels, [-round] = non-round vowels 38

39 Catalan Effect of stresslessness on vowels? 39

40 Catalan Effect of stresslessness on vowels? [á, é, ɛ́] ~ [ə̆] 40

41 Catalan Effect of stresslessness on vowels? 41

42 Catalan Effect of stresslessness on vowels? [ó, ɔ́] ~ [ŭ] 42

43 Canadian When does [ɜɪ] appear? 43

44 Canadian When does [ɜɪ] appear? Before voiceless obstruents
‘boat and bode’ 44

45 Canadian When does [ɜɪ] appear? Before voiceless obstruents
‘boat and bode’ ‘eyes’ and ‘ice’ ‘late’ and ‘laid’ 45

46 Dipththongs English true diphthongs Face [eɪ] Price [aɪ] Choice [ɔɪ]
Cow [aʊ] 46

47 Dipththongs English false diphthongs sew [oʊ] Jew [uʊ] 47

48 Status of [i] and [ɪ] 48

49 Status of [i] and [ɪ] They contrast 49

50 Status of [u] and [ʊ] 50

51 Status of [u] and [ʊ] [u] in open syllable, [ʊ] in closed 51

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