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Youth Justice Conference

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1 Youth Justice Conference
DCS John Cuddihy Head Organised Crime & Counter Terrorism 18/06/2015

Scottish Strategy - ‘Letting our Communities Flourish’ Defines Serious Organised Crime Multi Agency Approach

3 DEFINITION: ‘Crime which involves more than one person, is organised – meaning that it involves control, planning and the use of specialist resources, causes, or has the potential to cause significant harm and involves benefit to the individual concerned, particularly financial gain’

4 232 SOCGs recorded as operating in Scotland
SCALE 232 SOCGs recorded as operating in Scotland 3,728 Unique nominals 40 individuals aged 18 and under involved in SOC – 60% Increase Compared to same period last year Linked to 21 individual SOCG

5 29 8 SIDE STEP-Day 1 Greatest Prevalence of SOCGs continues to be based in the West of Scotland

6 29 20 SIDE STEP-The Journey Greatest Prevalence of SOCGs continues to be based in the West of Scotland

7 Scottish Multi Agency Strategic Threat Assessment
No Longer is the word SECRET and Inhibitor to good information Exchange! Year 1- 5 Organisations Re-alignment of Strand Leads Year Organisations Single Version of the truth Refreshed Strategy Focus on Youth

8 Youths linked to SOC 40 individuals aged 13 to 18 involved in SOC (60% in 12 Months) Linked to 21 individual Groups One Group – linked to Bogus Crime includes 8 youths

20 5 15 Youths linked to SOC in Scotland SCALE OF SOC IN SCOTLAND 29 Greatest Prevalence of SOCGs continues to be based in the West of Scotland

10 ‘G’ DIVISION ‘Q’ ‘K’


12 True Harm of Organised Crime
Promotes Inequality Generates Significant Harm Controls the Economic stability of communities Influences it’s own brand of Education

13 ‘Our Youth are Our Future…’
Youth Justice CANNOT be simply a concept……….it MUST be a REALITY ‘Our Youth are Our Future…’

14 Questions?

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