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Star Characteristics.

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Presentation on theme: "Star Characteristics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Star Characteristics

2 A body of hot gases that radiate energy
What is a Star? A body of hot gases that radiate energy

3 Hertz sprung-Russell Diagram
A graph that shows the relationship between the surface temperature and the absolute magnitude of a star

4 A measure of how much light a star gives off
Absolute Magnitude A measure of how much light a star gives off

5 A measure of the amount of light received on Earth
Apparent Magnitude A measure of the amount of light received on Earth

6 A measure of how much energy leaves a star in a period of time
Luminosity A measure of how much energy leaves a star in a period of time

7 The MORE luminous a star, the BRIGHTER it is.
The luminosity of stars is dependent on: Temperature Size Stars that are the least luminous are: SMALL & COOL Stars that are the most luminous are: LARGE & HOT

8 Color of the hottest star= BLUE
Color of the coolest star= RED Most stars are classified as what type of star? MAIN SEQUENCE Our Sun is classified as what type of star? MAIN SEQUENCE

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