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Systems Engineering Education and Research

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1 Systems Engineering Education and Research
Dr. Wiley Larson Distinguished Service Professor Director of Space System Engineering School of Systems and Enterprises Stevens Institute of Technology, USA International Academic Partner Academic Partner

2 11/19/2018

3 Systems Engineering was launched at Stevens Institute of Technology in 2000 – in the form of the SDOE Program and the Systems Engineering and Engineering Management Department, within our Schaefer School of Engineering. The new School of Systems and Enterprises was launched by the Institute Leadership on March 12, 2007. 11/19/2018

4 School of Systems and Enterprises: Positioning

5 Systems Engineering and Integration: Positioning
Complex systems characterized by: Technology Constantly evolving technology and related standards Multitude of interfaces (hard and soft), distributed processing notes and platforms, security implications Information and knowledge intensive Business Constantly changing scope, business processes, requirements, and expectations Global relevance, scope, and application Evolving marketplace and related vendors and suppliers Organizational Numerous stakeholders, with conflicting preferences Legacy organizational structures impose constraints 11/19/2018

6 Emphasis on “complete life-cycle” of complex systems resulted in our curriculum “architecture”…

7 Further, we remain focused on the “complete picture”…
Performance Functions Requirements Priorities Reliability Maintainability Supportability Availability Technical Effectiveness Inherent System Effectiveness Operation Maintenance Process Efficiency Logistics Operational Effectiveness System Life Cycle Cost/Total Cost of Ownership 11/19/2018 7

8 Further, we remain focused on the “complete picture”…
Functions Performance Requirements Priorities Technical Reliability Effectiveness Inherent Maintainability System Availability Supportability Effectiveness Operation Process Maintenance Profitability Efficiency Logistics System Life Cycle Cost/Total Cost of Ownership 11/19/2018 8

9 Systems Engineering and Integration:
Curriculum Architecture Systems Engineering & Integration Supported by Mature and Proven Methods, Metrics, Tools and Templates for Low Risk and Efficient Implementation 11/19/2018

10 Systems Engineering and Integration:
Business Process and Operational Assessment Support Customers/Stakeholders in Identification of Business & Operational Shortfalls Elicit, Gather, & Confirm Business and Mission Intent and Requirements Translate Shortfalls (Business and Mission Requirements) into Solution/System Requirements Generate, assess, and evaluate system concepts and technologies Identify and Manage System Operational, Functional and Operational Baselines Identify what is Achievable within the Cost and Schedule Envelope Systems Engineering & Integration 11/19/2018 SYS-625: Fundamentals of Systems Engineering

11 Systems Engineering and Integration:
System/Test/Solution Architecture Identify Preferred Implementation Approach Implementation Approach Trade-Offs vis-à-vis Business/Mission Requirements Develop System, Solution and Test Architectures Adhere Guidelines to Ensure Scalability, Modularity, and Future Upgrades and Enhancements Adhere to Consistency with OMI & System Management Adhere to Consistent Testing, Validation & Verification Approach Determine and Manage Impact to Currently Fielded Solutions Engineering & Systems Integration 11/19/2018 SYS-650: System Architecture and Design

12 Systems Engineering and Integration:
Evolving Portfolio of Courses SDOE-650: System Design and Architecture SDOE-605: System Integration SDOE-620: Simulation Based Life Cycle Costing Systems Engineering & Integration SDOE-640: Systems Supportability and Logistics SDOE-645: Design for System Reliability, Maintainability, Supportability SDOE-665: Integrated Supply Chains SDOE-625: Fundamentals of Systems Engineering SDOE-611: Simulation and Modeling SDOE-660: Decision and Risk Analysis SDOE-670: Forecasting and Demand Modeling Systems SDOE-675: Dynamic Pricing SDOE-612: Project Management of Complex Systems SDOE-680: Designing and Managing the Development System SDOE-775: Systems Thinking 11/19/2018

13 Leading to a Coherent Programmatic Structure
Doctoral Degree in Systems Engineering Systems Engineering & Integration Masters Degree in Systems Engineering Systems Engineering & Architecting Systems and Supportability Engineering Systems Engineering Management Engineering Management Graduate Certificate Programs This has been recognized by our sponsors… 11/19/2018

14 Systems Engineering at Stevens
The first course in the SDOE Program was taught in April of 2001, with 10 participants sponsored by OSD. These participants were from across the various DoD components. The other 10 were sponsored by Lockheed Martin MS2. Since this first course: The SDOE Program and the associated SEEM Department at Stevens has evolved into the largest Systems Engineering Program in the United States with over 400 graduate students (of these, approximately 50 are doctoral students) Within the US government, the Stevens has been chosen as the exclusive provider of SE education within the National Security Agency (NSA), FAA, and NASA. Many such agreements also exist with our industrial partners. 11/19/2018

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16 Open Academic Model in the spirit of the Technogenesis Initiative at Stevens Institute of Technology
To blur the boundary between Academia, Industry, and Government; To conduct academically rigorous yet industrially relevant research and education A collaborative culture is an underlying philosophical anchor… 11/19/2018

17 An Education and Research Initiative that…
Is Limited to the United States in terms of << case studies, professors, students & sponsors and partners & course delivery >> Is Limited to a single (or limited number) of market domains; Does not leverage “departments within the university systems”, and even other universities… Is by definition, sub-optimal for its stakeholders… We must be willing to “Cross the Boundaries” at all levels of abstraction… The OPEN ACADEMIC MODEL – Knowledge Creation and Management through Practice, Research and Education… 11/19/2018

18 Stevens Extended Enterprise in Systems Engineering
National Security Agency US Army - Picatinny US Army - CECOM US Navy – NAVAIR - Lakehurst OSD – AT&L US Navy – Patuxent River DAU ITT Lockheed Martin (MS2) IBM Global Services Boeing – Integrated Defense Systems Northrop Grumman Bethpage, NY General Dynamics FAA AF Center for Systems Engineering NASA L3 Communications Sandia National Laboratories Embedded Institute (Holland) Växjö University (Sweden) El Segundo, CA ANSER Buskreud College (Norway) Stevens Extended Enterprise in Systems Engineering These are organizations within the Aerospace and Military sector with whom we have formal alliances and long term relationships in place. Very often we are requested to schedule courses on an annual basis at their preferred locations. A very good example of this is the NSA – National Security Agency. We have scheduled 24 courses a year at their Columbia, Maryland, location for the next five years. On the other hand, there are organizations, such as Boeing, that request courses from us on an as needed basis. We taught a single course at Boeing in 2003, and are already scheduled to teach two in Another example of this relationship is with OSD, where we have been requested to teach two courses on their behalf in Taiwan as part of their on-going relationship with the Ministry of Defense in Taiwan. Finally, we also have strategic alliances that go beyond just teaching courses… an example of this is with the Defense Acquisition University. DAU hosts our courses in the Washington DC area on an as needed basis. Further, we have developed an equivalency with them where we are able to facilitate the translation of Level 2 DAWIA Certification in selected competency areas into 3 graduate credits, and Level 3 DAWIA Certification in selected areas into 6 graduate credits. We are currently working on similar alliances with the US Army (Picatinny Arsenal) and the Air Force Center for Systems Engineering. 11/19/2018

19 Leading to a Coherent Programmatic Structure
Doctoral Degree in Systems Engineering Systems Engineering & Integration Masters Degree in Systems Engineering Systems Engineering & Architecting Systems and Supportability Engineering Systems Engineering Management Engineering Management Graduate Certificate Programs 11/19/2018

20 Stevens Institute of Technology
Systems Stevens Institute of Technology 11/19/2018

21 Space Systems Engineering @ Stevens Institute of Technology

22 Space System Engineering Capabilities

23 Capability Descriptions and Performance Levels

24 Capability Descriptions and Performance Levels

25 Capability Descriptions and Performance Levels

26 System Engineering Assessments—Individuals
Understand individual capabilities Compare with desired capabilities Create specific development plan Implement using combination of courses, on-the-job learning, degrees, special assignments 11/19/2018

27 System Engineering Assessments--Organizations
11/19/2018 Note: Performance Levels—I = knowledge of, II = application, III = manage, IV = provide strategy and guidance. RATINGS: C = CRITICAL, N = NECESSARY, O = Optional

28 System Engineering Assessments--Providers

29 Space Systems Engineering Program Leadership and Structure

30 Space Systems Engineering Program Leadership and Structure

31 11/19/2018

32 Implementation Issues
Academic partnership possibilities Desired Program—modules, certificates, masters Graduate credit or not Delivery options—in-house executive, on-line Schedule of participation Value and cost Contractual issues 11/19/2018

33 Space Systems Engineering @ Stevens Institute of Technology

34 Academic Partnership Possibilities
Possibilities include Franchising the Masters in Space System Engineering Graduate Credit from Stevens or partner university Stevens maintains curriculum—2/3 available on-line Partner university develop/maintain/own electives added to the Masters Program Potential for jointly-awarded degrees Consistently need at least 15 local participants to maintain local/regional program status International option available to your perspective students International Academic Partner 11/19/2018

35 Desired Program—modules, certificates, masters
Recommend beginning with the first Certificate Tailor to add NASA’s NPR a citations and experiences 11/19/2018

36 Graduate Credit or Not? Recommend beginning with the first Certificate
Tailor to add NASA’s NPR a citations and experiences Graduate credit entails one exam per course and a short paper demonstrating mastery of material and processes Enables possibility of Masters in Space System Engineering 11/19/2018

37 Delivery Options Recommend beginning with the first Certificate Tailor to add NASA’s NPR a citations and experiences Graduate credit entails one exam per course and a short paper demonstrating mastery of material and processes Enables possibility of Masters in Space System Engineering On-site delivery of each module—5 days/week or 2/3 day split or on-line (semester long, asynchronous) for selected modules 11/19/2018

38 Schedule Begin first modules TBD—tentative schedule
Recommend beginning with the first Certificate Tailor to add NASA’s NPR a citations and experiences Graduate credit entails one exam per course and a short paper demonstrating mastery of material and processes Enables possibility of Masters in Space System Engineering On-site delivery of each module—5 days/week or 2/3 day split or on-line (semester long, asynchronous) for selected modules Begin first modules TBD—tentative schedule Designing Space Missions and Systems, and Mission and System Design, Verification and Validation 11/19/2018

39 Value, Cost and Contracts
Recommend beginning with the first Certificate Tailor to add NASA’s NPR a citations and experiences Graduate credit entails one exam per course and a short paper demonstrating mastery of material and processes Enables possibility of Masters in Space System Engineering On-site delivery of each module—5 days/week or 2/3 day split or on-line (semester long, asynchronous) for selected modules Begin first modules Sep 07 Designing Space Missions and Systems, and Mission and System Design, Verification and Validation Value, cost and contractual issues 11/19/2018

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