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LEGO WeDo Introduction
Module E Title Slide
LEGO WeDo Introduction
In this module you will learn about robotics in everyday use how you can use WeDo’s to facilitate positive youth development. the WeDo kit and components, the WeDo Activity Pack (LEGO curriculum) Gain hands-on experience with a WeDo kit. Resources Script: Module E is essential if you are planning to use the WeDo kit with youth in your program. In this module you will learn how robotics interact with the world around us and gain a better understanding of how you can use WeDo’s to facilitate positive youth development. You will also be introduced to the WeDo kit and components, the WeDo Activity Pack which is a curriculum and interactive software provided by LEGO, as well as, gain hands-on experience with a WeDo kit. We will also introduce you to useful resources and beneficial handouts.
Everyday Robots Script: We are all here to learn more about robotics today. Some of you may have experience with this type of project, but for some this is unfamiliar territory. You may not even be entirely sure what a robot actually is, or what role robots play in our daily lives.
Everyday Robots What is a robot?
Script: Many people have different ideas and visions about what a robot is, what it looks like and how it functions. What do you think of when you hear the word robot? Trainer Note: Allow participants to take a moment to share responses to the question.
Everyday Robots What is a robot?
Definition of ROBOT per Merriam-Webster Dictionary 1 : a machine that looks like a human being and performs various complex acts (as walking or talking) of a human being 2: a device that automatically performs complicated often repetitive tasks 3: a mechanism guided by automatic controls Trainer Note: This is an opportunity to explain to participants what a robot is. Using a definition is a good place to start for basic understanding. Script: As you can see Merriam-Webster has provided us with three logical definitions of a robot. These definitions will be reflected in the robots we are about to talk about as well as the WeDo robots we will build later.
Everyday Robots What role do robots play in our daily lives?
What is a career field where people work with robots? What is your favorite fictional robot? Small Group Discussion Script: Each participant will select a LEGO piece from the container. Then you will need to find other participants who have a similar colored LEGO piece and form a group. Once groups are complete talk amongst yourselves and answer the questions provided. When time is up each group will share their findings. Possible Answers: 1. What role do robots play in our daily lives? Robots or robot components can be found all around us. Every person in this room has walked through an automatic sliding door, this device uses a motion or light sensor to open. This type of sensor is can be found in the robotics kits we will share with you today. (More examples will be shared in the next slide) 2. What is a career field where people work with robots? Many law enforcement units are now outfitting officers with the technologies of robots. These robots are used to diffuse or detonate bombs. Doctors are beginning to provide minimal invasive surgeries with high tech robotics like the da Vinci surgical system. (More examples will be shared in the next slide) 3. What is your favorite fictional robot? Rosie – The Jetsons Optimus Prime – A Transformer R2-D2 and C-3PO – Star Wars Johnny Five – Short Circuit KITT – Knight Rider Wall-E – Disney Movie Terminator Data – Star Trek
Everyday Robots Examples of Robots in Use Everyday Military Robots
Unmanned Vehicles: Aircraft for Surveillance Industrial: Car Manufacturing Script: As you have learned robotics can be found all around us. The military and manufacturing companies have invested in robotics to replace humans to keep them out of harm’s way.
Everyday Robots Examples of Robots in Use Everyday
Space Exploration – Mars Rover Medical Robotics: da Vinci Script: NASA, as well as, scientists in the medical field are designing robots that can explore regions no human can tolerate or perform tasks with microscopic accuracy.
Everyday Robots Examples of Robots in Use Everyday
Toys: Zhu Zhu Pets – Robotic Hamster Household Robots: Roomba Vacuum Script: Today even the youngest child can own a robot or at least a toy that has robotics tendencies.
Everyday Robots Robots are a part of everyday life.
Components of robotics such as sensors are in many devices we use daily. Ex: motion sensors are used to open automatic doors. Used by most people daily to offer convenience and security. Script: Everyone has used an automatic door, which makes that robotic sensor component a part of everyday life. Whether we depend on them to build things for us, assist doctors in performing surgery, or to explore the far reaches of the universe robotics technology is everywhere!
Step 4: The WeDo Introduction
Script: The building blocks of the robots we just saw can be traced back to the simple robotic components we’re going to learn about today. To start that journey let’s take a look a WeDo.
What is a WeDo? WeDo is a LEGO product that allows elementary aged youth to build robots using LEGO pieces. Robots are connected to a computer and programmed to perform specific functions using the WeDo software. Script: When choosing a robotics platform, the WeDo is a good place to start for most clovers, juniors and intermediates. It is designed for elementary aged youth to learn basic construction and programming using the WeDo software.
What Do WeDo Robots Look Like?
Each individual kit has plans for 12 different LEGO robots. More building resources are available through LEGO. Amazing Mechanisms Wild Animals Script: Each WeDo kit has plans for 12 different robot builds in four areas, amazing mechanisms, wild animals, play soccer, and adventure stories. There are also additional builds available through LEGO. Play Soccer Adventure Stories
WeDo Programming Software
Great introduction to icon programming with friendly step-by-step directions on the screen. Script: Each illustrated robotic build has programming directions provided by the WeDo software. Icon based drag and drop programming is easy for youth to manipulate. Task pallet
Step 5: The WeDo Kit, Building Guides and the Alligator Build
Script: Now that we have had a chance to see a preview of a WeDo, let’s jump right in and see how it works. Please organize into groups of 2-3 people. Each group will need a laptop/computer station and a WeDo Kit. Trainer Note: Assign a WeDo kit and laptop/computer station to each group of 2-3 participants. Further instructions may be needed dependent on your room layout.
Inside the WeDo Kit Script: Before we start building let’s open the kit and take a look. The first thing you will see is a two-sided cardboard sheet which contains and inventory list of parts that should be used for maintaining your kits. The clear tray provided neatly nests inside the kit; it has four compartments and is useful for housing the sensors and smaller parts.
Inside the WeDo Kit LEGO Bricks
This image is a scan of the card board insert provided in each kit. LEGO Bricks Script: Each kit contains assorted bricks that will be used during construction. Bricks vary in shape and size but each play an important role in specific builds, so using the corresponding bricks is vital to have a complete and functioning robot.
Inside the WeDo Kit Each kit contains a Mini Figure with interchangeable heads and hat/hair Three different sized axles Various gears and other components Script: There is a mini figure which is a favorite of most builders, which comes with interchangeable heads,hair and a hat, as well as, various gears, cams, axles and other essential pieces. This image is a scan of the card board insert provided in each kit.
Inside the WeDo Kit Sensors Motor USB Hub Light Sensor Tilt Sensor
Trainer Notes: WeDo Components Handout is referenced for this slide Script: You each have a hand-out entitled “WeDo Components” that identifies and explains the sensors, motor and USB Hub. This handout may be helpful to reference during project builds. These images are a scan of the card board insert provided in each kit.
The Building Guides Makes the construction process straightforward
Full color pictorial guide Similar to most LEGO build kit instructions Very user friendly Trainer Note: The four building guides should be handed out at the beginning of this slide. Script: Now that all the needed parts and components have been identified, let’s take a look at the building guides. When you first get started with WeDo, you will probably want to utilize the building guides, which make the teaching process very straightforward. These full color pictorial building guides are similar to most LEGO build kit instructions; young people will probably recognize them and be comfortable with them quickly.
The Building Guides Amazing Mechanisms Wild Animals Play Soccer
Adventure Stories Script: Each WeDo kit comes with four building guides, which have four separate themes. They are: Amazing Mechanisms, Wild Animals, Play Soccer, and Adventure Stories. We will be building from the Wild Animals guide so let’s open that guide now.
Building the Alligator
Large white number indicating each step Diagram of completed step Identified pieces use to complete step Script: On the first page of the alligator build, you will see what the finished build will look like. The next page starts the process of building the alligator step by step, one piece at a time.
Building the Alligator
Trainer Note: You may wish to give participants the opportunity to take a short break before proceeding, during the build or after they finish. Script: Let’s begin step one together in your groups. You see four round lime green pieces, and four rectangular green pieces. Once those pieces have been located, assemble them according to the diagram in step one. Trainer Note: Give participants a minute to build. Script: Each step follows that similar format you just completed. Let’s continue with the build and see what that finished alligator looks like. Work as a group to identify and assemble your robot.
The Finished Alligator
The Check List Is the gear is facing the correct direction? Are rubber bands connected securely? Is the motion sensor lined correctly? Does the mouth open and close? Test Gear. Are sensors securely attached to the USB Hub? Are all LEGO bricks attached securely? Look over entire build and make sure it is identical to the guide. Script: Once you have completed building your alligator make sure the following are correct. Trainer Note: Refer the group to the PowerPoint.
Step 6: The WeDo Activity Pack
Curriculum Add-on Software Provides step-by-step on-screen instructions in building and programming Classroom type activities and handout materials are provided for each build Script: An important feature of the WeDo platform is that it provides a teacher’s guide, curriculum and software add-on called the Activity Pack. The Activity Pack is used to guide leaders, volunteers, or staff through lesson plans and programming specific to the builds. This additional resource material is available for purchase and is highly recommended. Trainer Note: Show or display the Activity Pack. Script: The activity pack CD-Rom is a software add-on that works with the program provided with the initial WeDo kit. It provides step-by-step on screen instructions identical to the builds in the building guide books and includes 12 activities based on four themes: Soccer, Adventure Stories, Wild Animal Park and Mechanical Toys. Activities are introduced with animations that compliment the programming software. Teacher notes and a glossary are also included. The Teachers Guide contains notes for the activities as well as management ideas, curriculum support, software overview and examples for building and programming.
Review the Activity Pack
Page 80 – Objectives Page 81 – Animated Movie and Discussion Questions Page 82 – Construct, overview of mechanisms and process Page 83 – Basic Functions of software Page – Lesson Plan Script: Since you are working on the Alligator build, we can review the Activity Pack for that build. You will see on the first page (page 80) that the objectives for the build, and details on what participants will accomplish, are clearly stated. The next page (page 81) covers the animated movie that accompanies the build, and lists discussion questions that you might ask after youth view the movie. We will view the movie in a few minutes when we review at the software. This page also suggests other ways to interact with the group through a series of questions relating to the alligator. It’s recommended that you do a little research on your own about the subject area you will be teaching, so you are able to answer unexpected questions from the group. The following page (page 82) is titled Construct. This part of the guide instructs participants to build the model through the step-by-step on screen instructions. As a facilitator, you can determine if you would like to use the on-screen instructions or have participants use the build guide. This section also gives a brief overview of the mechanisms and the process behind the robot’s function. Introducing this information prepares you to answer questions, and expands on the concepts that youth can learn when taking part in each project.
Step 7: Programming with the WeDo Software
Demonstration Video (add link) Alligator Build – stop animation movie showing the alligator build itself Click on the link above to launch movie (note: movie must be embedded on cd with ppt. to launch.) Self Demonstration Continue to ….(add link to page in ppt) Script: At this point you have built your WeDo robot and ensured that all connections are secure and that the robot exactly matches the diagram in the build guide. Now, you’re ready to bring your robot to life with programming. Trainer Note: Continue to Demonstration Video (click on link), Self Demonstration (trainer directed) or continue to follow along through the PowerPoint slides. After Demonstration video or Self Demonstration continue on to PPT#
WeDo Software Introduction
Drag and drop icon based software Provides an intuitive and easy‐to‐use programming environment Software automatically detects motors and sensors when they are attached to the LEGO USB Hub Includes a Getting Started Guide with simple building tips and programming examples Desktop Icon Script: Let’s all Launch the software and follow along. The WeDo software is a drag and drop icon based software that provides an intuitive and easy‐to‐use programming environment suitable for beginners and experienced users alike. The software automatically detects motors and sensors when they are attached to the LEGO USB Hub. It also includes a digital Getting Started Guide with simple building tips and programming examples. Trainer Note: Point out what the WeDo software icon looks like, this way when they use the software they have now learned how to launch it.
WeDo Software Introduction
Script: At the bottom of the screen, there is an icon palette featuring many different task icons. Each one has a specific function and will allow participants to make their robot builds come alive. The key to mastering these controls is experimenting! A detailed list of each icon and the corresponding function is included in the Teachers Guide. Trainer Note: Encourage participants to add and change these icons after they have learned the initial programming for each build. Icon Palette
WeDo Software Introduction
Getting Started Guide and Activities Button Script: Script: In the upper left hand corner there is a small yellow brick icon. Clicking on this icon will activate the Getting Started Guide and theme based Activity builds.
Getting Started Guide Each component icon is clickable, which leads to further instructions
Script: The Activities Guide is accessible by clicking on the yellow LEGO head icon, which opens a window that contains illustrations of the theme based builds. Each is clickable and opens to a movie, which then leads into building and programming instructions.
The Alligator Advance Button Advance Button
Script: For example if the Alligator is selected the movie window appears and begins playing. At the bottom of the newly opened window, you will notice a set of light grey arrows in the left and right hand corners. These arrows allow you to scroll through the on screen build guide. Advance Button Advance Button
On Screen Building Instructions
Script: The on screen building instructions are identical to the building guide for each project. This feature can be used in place of the building guide books. When you have reached the end of the on-screen build, you are introduced to the initial programming that corresponds to that build. You will see an example program which you can replicate in order to program your robot. In order to do this you will drag and drop each corresponding icon and arrange them in a line. You will notice they will snap together easily.
Start Programming Plug in robot by connecting the USB to the computer
Sensor icon should appear in upper left hand corner (insert pict. Of sensor) Script: Now that we have looked over the software, it’s time to try it out. The first thing we need to do is plug our robot into the computer. This is done through the USB port. Trainer Note: Depending on the knowledge level participants possess, you may or may not need to demonstrate how to connect the robot to the USB port. If you have a co-facilitator, suggest that they circulate through the groups to make sure the robot is properly connected. Script: Once connected you should see an icon in the upper left hand corner that indicates which sensor you are using. This is important because it ensures your robot has all the proper connections. You should see an indicator for the motion sensor, which was used when you built your alligator. If this icon is not present make sure all your sensors are connected securely to the USB Hub and that the USB Hub is connected to the computer properly. Trainer Note: From this point on it is recommended that you guide the participants along using the software as the guide. It is important that you have practiced using the software and are comfortable in explaining the process.
Experiment with the Programming
Experiment with the program by adding additional icons such as sound, backgrounds, text or change the motor directions. Script: Experiment with the program by adding additional icons such as sound, backgrounds, text or change the motor directions. Trainer Note: If some groups finish early and wait for others to complete the build, distribute cards with the following questions. Groups can discuss and prepare for a reflection at the end of this step. Have you built with LEGOs before? How did that experience contribute to your knowledge today? What did you like about the build? What were the challenges? Where there any surprises?
Programming Discussion
What was a challenge you encountered while building? Where there any challenges using the software? Was this easier or harder than you thought it would be? Explain. Trainer Note: When participants have successfully programmed and activated the alligator robots, and experimented with other program features, guide them in discussing the activity. Ask any of the following questions (or add your own based on the particular experiences of the group): What was a challenge you encountered while building? Where there any challenges using the software? Was this easier or harder than you thought it would be? Explain. Trainer Note: Before beginning the LEGO Curriculum Overview, you may wish to give participants a short break. After the break, continue with the following:
Step 8: LEGO WeDo Resources
Lego Education Resource for Teachers Additional Activity Packs can be purchased to add on to the four themed based builds Script: As you may have guessed, due to the easy-to-use building guides and comprehensive Teachers Guide and curriculum support documents, LEGO WeDo kits are very popular not only in 4-H Robotics programs, but also in schools and other youth programs. Plus, as we’ve just experienced, playing with WeDo robots is really fun! So how can you go farther with your WeDo Kits? The LEGO Education website offers additional Activity Packs that can be used to build upon the current theme based builds provided with the WeDo kits. These additional resources will allow you to expand on each build and give youth the chance to experiment even further.
Additional Robotics Resources
LEGO Education Resource for Teachers For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST) Jr. First LEGO League First LEGO League KISS Institute for Practical Robots: Robotics Laboratory: Wheels and Navigation Activity STOMP Sample Units, Activity Database Carnegie Mellon University – Robotics Academy Script: The world of technology is growing rapidly around robotics, so it is not surprising to find a wealth of additional resources are available. These resources can also be found in the handout provided. Trainer Note: Share Robotics Resource Links handout and review with participants. If you have a computer with an Internet connection available, you may wish to show participants a few examples. Consider using an LCD projector to share your screen as you visit any of the resource websites.
Additional Robotics Resources
Look for new contacts and volunteers to help build your program. Older more experienced youth can make great mentors. Script: When your robotics program is up and running, you may find that new contacts and volunteers are also great sources for new builds and projects that can be created with WeDo kits. If you have youth who stay with your program for several years, they may surprise you with new ideas for the WeDo robots, as well as, turn into great mentors!
Youth Development Adaptations
Consider the following skills that can be developed through WeDo projects and the Activity Pack projects Youth are encouraged to use creativity, teamwork and problem solving = life skills! Youth develop language and literacy through narrative and journalistic writing, storytelling, explaining, interviewing and interpreting Youth experience mathematics when measuring time and distance; adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, estimating, and using variables. Script: While we have seen that WeDo kits lead to fun and interesting building projects, you might be wondering how these robots contribute to youth development, and how WeDo robots can become a part of your 4-H programming. Consider the following skills that can be developed through WeDo projects and the Activity Pack projects (refer to PPT Bullet List)
Youth Development Adaptations
Consider the following skills that can be developed through WeDo projects and the Activity Pack projects Youth experience science through working with simple machines, gears, levers, pulleys; and experimenting with transmission of motion Youth discover technology when programming; using software media; and designing and creating a working model. Trainer Notes: (Continued from previous slide) Consider the following skills that can be developed through WeDo projects and the Activity Pack projects (refer to PPT Bullet List)
Youth Development Adaptations
How could youth use WeDo robots to perform service learning? (ex: providing a WeDo workshop for 4-H members) How could a club use WeDo kits as a fundraiser? How could a 4-H member use a WeDo kit in a traditional 4-H activity, such as a county fair or communications contest? How could a teen leader use WeDo kits to do an activity with junior members? Script: True to the tradition of 4-H, youth have the opportunity to learn these concepts through hands-on experiences, guided by caring and competent volunteers. Trainer Note: Guide participants in discussing other potential applications of WeDo projects in the 4-H club setting. Discuss any of the provided questions.
Questions Script: You have just experienced the Module 8 of the 4-H Robotics Train-the-Trainer toolkit for 4-H faculty and volunteers interested in launching robotics club programs. This module introduced you to the LEGO WeDo Robotics platform. We saw a demonstration of a completed robot and then had the opportunity to build and program a robot. We reviewed the building guide, the Teachers Guide, and the Activity Pack, as well as experiencing some of the multimedia learning aids that are included in the WeDo Education kit. You are now experienced WeDo builders, with experience in robotics engineering and programming! Are there any questions?
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