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10th World Studies Today’s Agenda: HW: NONE—enjoy your break…

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1 10th World Studies 2.15.18 Today’s Agenda: HW: NONE—enjoy your break…
Turn in: Archduke Ferdinand Reading Response (Online…) Take out : Pen/Pencil Note-taking devices Bismarck’s HOC packet? Today’s Learning Objectives: I can explain how an ASSASSINATION helped lead to the outbreak of The Great War. Today’s Agenda: Tension in the Balkans Assassination HW: NONE—enjoy your break…

2 The Balkans= “The Powder Keg of Europe”
All it needs is a spark… “…some damned foolish things out of the Balkans.”—Bismarck 1888

3 The Balkans—1908 Crisis RUSSIA just sits back & watches… Imperialism—Austria-Hungary annexes (takes control) of Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1908, but it still remained part of the Ottoman Empire. In July 1908—group in Constantinople (Istanbul) known as the Young Turks staged a revolution. A-H saw this as their opportunity to take Bosnia-Herzgovina for their own! Germany supports A-H Russia won’t get involved because A-H agrees to not oppose sea access. Serbia wants a part of Bosnia! Germany threatens to invade Serbia if they press A-H on their claim to Bosnia-Herzegovina GER threatens B-H if they interfere w/A-H A-H annexs B-H YOUNG TURKS REV. SERBIA WANTS TO JOIN B-H

4 The Balkans— Wars 1st War (1912): Ottoman Empire is trying to hang on…remember, Otto is “the Sick Man of Europe.” Balkan League is formed—Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, and Greece. Lasted from October to December… Short ARMISTICE 2nd War (1913): Young Turks are back! Lasts from January to May Ottoman Empire loses all control of any European lands…

M—militarism A—alliances N—nationalism I—imperialism A—assassination (C)—Competition

6 ASSASSINATION—our last “Cause”
At your group: Discuss your predictions… Be prepared to share with us…

7 “The Spark” Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated with his wife in Sarajevo, Bosnia (6/28/1914) JUNE 1914…

8 Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne Unpopular due to his marriage to Sophie who was considered to be of lower class Visited Sarajevo in 1914 in an attempt to improve relations between the monarchy and the Bosnian people

9 The Black Hand Society Fierce Slav nationalists: hated Austria and prepared to kill for freedom Goal: creation of a Greater Serbia "...before God, on my honour and my life, that I will execute all missions and commands without question. I swear before God, on my honor and on my life, that I will take all the secrets of this organization into my grave with me." Secret society with “links” to the Serbian government and army

10 28th June 1914—they’re celebrating their anniversary...
Saw opportunity to assassinate the future Emperor of Austria-Hungary

11 Assassination in Sarajevo

12 The Assassination “Grenade” thrown…some accounts claim Ferdinand deflected the device—long fuse…bounces off car, explodes under the 2nd car The would be assassin swallows a cyanide capsule and jumps into the near-by river… Two problems—first, the cyanide was old and didn’t work: he just vomits. Second, the river was no more than knee deep…most reports state about 4 inches—injured himself… Some of Ferdinand’s men was injured and went to the hospital.

13 The Assassination The Archduke continued to City Hall, where they discussed a change of plans for meetings. Gavrilo Princip misses his chance…(more on this in a bit…) The Archduke’s car continues to the hospital to visit his injured man…BUT: Makes a wrong turn…Gavrilo—right place/time, notices Ferdinand and seizes the moment—two shots. He attempts to turn the gun on himself…takes a cyanide capsule (same result), and is then arrested.

14 The Legend of the Assassination

15 The Assassin Gavrilo Princip *Serbian Nationalist
*Member of “Black Hand”

16 The Austrian Ultimatum
Austria-Hungary was furious and accused the Serbian government of planning the assassination Austria-Hungary sent a 10-point ultimatum to Serbia—wanted to be directly involved in the investigation “Ultimatum”: a warning stating that unless someone meets your conditions you will take action against them

17 July 5th – Austria are assured by Germany of support against Serbia
July 23rd- Ultimatum Sent to Serbia, Two demands are rejected July 29th- Austria declares war on Serbia Serbia appeal to Russia for help July 30th- Russia mobilises her army, Germany mobilises her army for war against Russia. Aug 1st- Germany declares war on Russia, France mobilises her army.

18 The Sentence That Caused A War
6.   The [Serbian] Government considers it its duty as a matter of course to begin an investigation against all those persons who have participated in the outrage of June 28th and who are in its territory.   As far as the cooperation in this investigation of specially delegated officials of the [Austro-Hungarian] Government is concerned, this cannot be accepted, as this is a violation of the constitution and of criminal procedure. Serbian Response to the Ultimatum, 25 July, 1914

19 How Will Austria Respond To The Assassination? “The July Crisis”
7/6  Germany grants “Blank Check” of support 7/23  A-H sends Ultimatum to Serbia Serbia has 48 Hours to respond Serbia rejects ultimatum 7/28  A-H declares war and begins bombing Belgrade

20 How will Europe respond?
7/29 – Russia mobilizes army 8/1 – Germany declares war on Russia 8/3 – Germany declares war on France and invades Belgium—“Schlieffen” Plan…modified 8/3 - France declares war on Germany 8/4 – Britain declares war on Germany BY EARLY AUGUST 1914, EUROPE IS PREPARING TO FIGHT A LARGE SCALE WAR

21 Britain enters the War—Aug. 4th
Germany had already planned to invade France through Belgium and Holland—the Schlieffen Plan. Britain had always been sensitive about Belgium as it was a small country with seaports very close to Britain—it’s an Industrialized, Island Nation! British policy was that no major naval power should be able to control Belgium. The Kaiser (Wilhelm II) did not believe Britain would enter the war over Belgium.

22 The “Spark”

23 The “Spark”


25 How Will Austria Respond To The Assassination? “The July Crisis”
7/6  Germany grants “Blank Check” of support 7/23  A-H sends Ultimatum to Serbia Serbia has 48 Hours to respond Serbia rejects ultimatum 7/28  A-H declares war and begins bombing Belgrade

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