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Jeffrey M. Fischer1, Karen Riva-Murray1, Rachel Riemann2, and Peter S

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Jeffrey M. Fischer1, Karen Riva-Murray1, Rachel Riemann2, and Peter S. Murdoch1 1 US Geological Survey 2 USDA Forest Service And the development of approaches for monitoring the resulting parameters over large areas Solid background is 18, 73, (27,127,217) …and the impact of data source on results …and the development of approaches for monitoring frag/urbanization over large areas …a cooperative effort aimed at producing

2 What are the major effects of urbanization?
Major questions: What are the major effects of urbanization? What aspects of urbanization cause ecological responses? Which of these are ‘managable’? How do these aspects compare among regions? What are the national commonalities?

3 Approach Control for natural variation among sites
Establish an apriori urbanization index based on available landscape data Select sites so they are well-distributed along this gradient Collect biological, physical, chemical data

4 Common problem: Landscape data issues
(Timeliness, accuracy, detail, availability) NLCD 1992 Photo- interpreted Urb For Agr NLCD 2000

5 Implications of NLCD inaccuracies
Mayflies: Ephemeroptera Stoneflies: Plecoptera Caddisflies: Trichoptera EPT richness: number of different: But NAWQA didn’t have good land use data to work with – a problem since land use is known/highly suspected of having a major influence on water quality. Other variables (e.g. population and road density) are sometimes used as surrogates for urbanization/land use, but these don’t give us any opportunity for trying to tease out what aspects of urbanization or forest fragmentation are mostly highly correlated (the biggest culprits) with respected to the ecosystem repsponses observed in streams. “What aspects” can be important when we’re trying to to better provide management guidelines for preventing or minimizing degradation in the face of development pressure, or when we’re trying to more accurately model water quality and monitor for areas with these characteristics. Developed a region wide method to correct for inaccuracies in satellite NLCD data using road density

6 Site selection for urban intensity gradient
Station Road density (road miles/ sq. mi. basin) Piedmont sites Poconos sites 5 1 2 f l a t b u s r o d v n h y c w k p i e g m 43 sites 10-60 sq. mi. basins Riffle/pool channels Point sources avoided Fitting these criteria, we were still able to get a range of urbanization (here using road density as a rough measure), although it is evident here (and became more so), that we needed to utilize basins from both areas to get the full range. The pink are the Piemont basins and the green the Poconos. You can tell there is substantial overlap, but you really need addition of the Poconos area to fill out the lower end, and vice versa… Riemann and Riva-Murray, in process

7 Data collection elements
timing Periphyton RTH Late summer Invertebrate RTH Habitat & geomorphology Nutrients, ions, field parameters Late spring & late summer Pesticides in water Discharge (instantaneous) Temperature mid July-mid September Contaminants in sediment & fish * Once during Mercury in sediment, fish, water* Once during *subset of sites

8 What stream ecosystem responses have we seen?
Chloride (mg/l) Chloride Pesticides Nutrients Sensitive biota Habitat Again, just using roaddensity as a surrogate for urbanization… Of all the things they looked at, which were more related to urbanization than any other source of variation… (natural or otherwise…) EPT richness = # mayfly, stonefly, caddisfly species (EPT richness: number of mayfly (Ephemeroptera), stonefly (Plecoptera), + caddisfly (Trichoptera) species or other taxa)

9 Results - Detrended Correspondence Analysis
Light grey to black shading indicates percentage of invertebrate species that would be considered tolerant of pollution, habitat degradation, and other disturbance. Note the increasing tolerance of the invertebrate community with increasing urbanization along Axis 1. Again, just using roaddensity as a surrogate for urbanization… Of all the things they looked at, which were more related to urbanization than any other source of variation… (natural or otherwise…) EPT richness = # mayfly, stonefly, caddisfly species (EPT richness: number of mayfly (Ephemeroptera), stonefly (Plecoptera), + caddisfly (Trichoptera) species or other taxa)

10 What landscape variables are related to stream ecological responses?
from photo-interpretation EPT index Habitat quality Chloride conc. Pesticide toxicity Basin road, house, population density - + Basin & buffer % urban, %imperv. Basin % commercial/industrial Buffer % commercial/industrial Urban edge Basin & buffer % forest Forest aggregation index Forest centroid connectivity Note: not all variables come up as substantial for all measures of ecosystem response Spearman rho >0.60, p<0.05

11 Algal Communities Trees increase shading which reduce algal growth
Nutrients shift algal community composition to more eutrophic types

12 Results – Examples of landscape variables that contribute to 2-variable model of disturbance gradient (based on Multiple Linear Regression using ranked data) Percent impervious alone (no additional variable) Model R2 is 0.49 Variable added to model: (i.e. If we increase ……….) Model R2 becomes: Invertebrate Disturbance P Percent basin that is tree cover 0.78 decreases <0.0001 Percent buffer that is grass cover increases Percent buffer that is tree cover 0.77 Percent basin that is grass cover 0.76 Percent basin that is agricultural 0.68 Aggregation index of forest patches Percent of basin that is herbaceous wetland 0.64 0.0008 Area-normalized shared edge 0.63 0.002 Multiple linear regression results – 2 variable model, with forced inclusion of % impervious. That is, given a certain amt of impervious surface (i.e. given that urbanization is increasing), what characteristics tend to make things better (push to left along disturbance gradient), or worse (move to right along disturbance gradient) Again, just using roaddensity as a surrogate for urbanization… Of all the things they looked at, which were more related to urbanization than any other source of variation… (natural or otherwise…) EPT richness = # mayfly, stonefly, caddisfly species (EPT richness: number of mayfly (Ephemeroptera), stonefly (Plecoptera), + caddisfly (Trichoptera) species or other taxa)

13 2 variable model improves prediction

14 Results – Principal Components Analysis - chemistry
Analyte Ordination axes Spring base flow Summer base flow I (0.29) II (0.22) III (0.21) (0.24) Silica 0.83 0.18 -0.08 0.91 0.23 0.03 Chloride 0.21 0.87 0.12 0.19 0.35 0.74 Nitrate plus Nitrite 0.85 0.30 -0.03 0.81 0.36 Boron 0.11 0.75 0.09 Dissolved organic carbon -0.11 0.07 0.94 -0.19 Ammonium + total organic nitrogen 0.10 0.72 0.17 Dissolved phosphorous 0.38 0.24 0.34 0.66 0.15 0.53 Pesticide Toxicity Index (invertebrates) 0.63 0.39 0.56 0.41 0.70 0.42 Total pesticide concentration 0.77 0.51 0.80 0.14 Alkalinity 0.40 0.06 0.76 0.50 Results of principal components analysis of chemical data from spring and from late summer. The table shows loadings, or correlations, of original input variables along each of the first 3 axes from two separate PCA’s – one for each season. The bolded loadings show variables that were most important in contributing to each of these new ‘synthetic’ factors. The axes that are significantly correlated with the disturbance gradient (DCA axis) are in yellow. Again, just using roaddensity as a surrogate for urbanization… Of all the things they looked at, which were more related to urbanization than any other source of variation… (natural or otherwise…) EPT richness = # mayfly, stonefly, caddisfly species (EPT richness: number of mayfly (Ephemeroptera), stonefly (Plecoptera), + caddisfly (Trichoptera) species or other taxa)

15 Summary Stream responses to urbanization include:
Invertebrate commmunity change; reduced # of sensitive taxa Increased nutrients, chloride, pesticide concentrations Decreased habitat quality Potentially important types of landscape variables include: Amount of forest or disturbed land in the watershed Type of disturbed land in the watershed Amount of forested buffer zone. Patchiness of the landscape So, not only is the overall amount of forest land important, but the type of landscape disturbance, the extent to which the stream corridor is disturbed or buffered, and the overall patchiness of the landscape.


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