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The Final Countdown The Rise of Apostasy A Massive Flood of PHONY BELIEVERS A Massive Flood of GREEDY BELIEVERS A Massive Flood of WORLDLY BELIEVERS.

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Presentation on theme: "The Final Countdown The Rise of Apostasy A Massive Flood of PHONY BELIEVERS A Massive Flood of GREEDY BELIEVERS A Massive Flood of WORLDLY BELIEVERS."— Presentation transcript:




4 The Final Countdown

5 The Rise of Apostasy A Massive Flood of PHONY BELIEVERS


7 4th Sign One World Religion

8 Open your Bibles to: Revelation 13:3-9


10 1st way A Welcoming of All Faiths


12 John 14:6 “I am the way and the truth and the life
John 14:6 “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”


14 1st proof Chronological


16 Chronology of World Religion
1893: 1st World Parliament of Religions held 1930: World Congress of Faiths 1948: World Council of Churches 1970: World Conference of Religions for Peace Started 1974: 2nd World Conference of Religions for Peace

17 Chronology of World Religion
1979: 3rd World Conference of Religions for Peace 1984: 4th World Conference of Religions for Peace 1986: Vatican calls for a meeting of all religions to come and pray for world peace 1989: 5th World Conference of Religions for Peace

18 Chronology of World Religion
1993: 2nd World Parliament of Religions held with largest gathering of religious leaders in history 1993: The Declaration of Global Ethic – A new set of commandments for the world 1994: 6th World Conference of Religions for Peace 1997: Charter written for the United Religions Organization

19 Chronology of World Religion
1999: 7th World Conference of Religions for Peace 2000: United Religions Organization charter signed by most of the world’s religions 2000: World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders – signing of Commitment to Global Peace and creation of World Council of Religions as this video shows…


21 Chronology of World Religion
2001: World Congress on the Preservation of Religious Diversity 2002: Vatican calls for a meeting of all religions to come and pray for peace and to overcome conflict 2002: 1st meeting of World Council of Religions 2002: World Conference of Women Religious and Spiritual Leaders

22 Chronology of World Religion
2002: World Peace Summit Established by World Conference of Religions for Peace 2003: 2nd World Peace Summit 2003: Pope commends the peace of the world to Mary 2003: Pope urges unity against violence among World Religions 2003: Inter-religious tribute given on behalf of Mother Teresa

23 Chronology of World Religion
2004: 3rd World Peace Summit 2004: Vatican hosts Interfaith Concert 2004: Pope says religions must unite for peace 2005: 4th World Peace Summit 2005: World Council of Churches asks Pope for renewed commitment to ecumenicalism 2005: Global Day of Prayer unites diverse Churches

24 Chronology of World Religion
2005: Vatican promotes Unity at World Mission Conference 2006: 8th World Conference of Religions for Peace 2006: Pope encourages more Inter-Religious prayer meetings 2006: 5th World Peace Summit 2006: World Religions unite over Global Warming

25 Chronology of World Religion
2006: 2nd Global Day of Prayer 2006: Pope and Dalai Lama herald peace between Catholics, Buddhists, and Hindus 2006: Pope’s praying in a Mosque deemed a “New Horizon” in Interfaith 2007: 6th World Peace Summit 2007: Interfaith Council established for Jerusalem

26 Chronology of World Religion
2007: 3rd Global Day of Prayer 2007: Groups in U.S. declare that all paths lead to God 2007: World Council of Churches encourages different religions to unify in diversity 2008: 7th World Peace Summit 2008: World Council of Churches and Pope seek cooperation

27 Chronology of World Religion
2008: Pope meets with Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Jain, Hindu leaders in Washington 2008: 4th Global Day of Prayer 2008: Oprah Winfrey begins openly promoting New Age thoughts and One World Religion ideals specifically saying that Jesus is not the only way to heaven. 2008: Tony Blair launches his Faith Foundation to help Unite the World’s Religions as this next video shows…


29 Chronology of World Religion
2009: World Parliament of Religions is held in Melbourne Australia. Up to 8,000 people from “various faiths” participated in discussions about “Climate Change” and the “Eradication of Poverty.” 2010: Tony Blair begins to Court Pastor Rick Warren and enlist his aid in Uniting the World’s Religions.

30 Chronology of World Religion
2010: Interfaith Meetings in Manhattan begin to be held twice a month by Christian, Jewish, Muslim and other religious leaders and it’s supported by the Obama White House, which has identified interfaith work as a public policy goal.

31 Chronology of World Religion
2010: The G8 World Religions Summit was held where, among other things, a sacred fire was lit and participants were told that “Mother Earth needs to hear that we love her and they offered up to her a prayer of gratitude. Other rituals were performed to invoke “the spirits” and to encourage all that “there is not only one way, there is many ways.”

32 Chronology of World Religion
2011: Another Global Day of Prayer 2011: Another World Peace Summit 2012: Rick Warren begins promoting King’s Way as an attempt to bring evangelical Christians and Muslims together as an overall part of his PEACE Plan…

33 Chronology of World Religion
A document was produced that stressed points of “agreement” between the two faiths, including belief in “one God” and it also called for the sharing their faith with one another but not for the purpose of conversion.

34 Chronology of World Religion
2012: A Global Charter of Conscience was drafted by a group of 50 international academics, politicians, and NGO leaders representing various faiths that encouraged the world to “live together in peace with their religious differences.” 2012: Pope urges religions to root out “Fundamentalism.”

35 Chronology of World Religion
2012: Vatican calls for the establishment of a One World Government and a New World Order that will “to serve the common good of the human family” and be a “moral force” that has the “power to influence.”


37 2nd proof Coercive






43 What Really Causes Wars?
Congo Free State ,000,000 - Control of colonial profit and power base Feudal Russia ,500,000 - Political control Turkish Purges ,000,000 - Ottoman Empire collapse/Political control

44 What Really Causes Wars?
First World War ,000,000 - Balance of power NOTE: The First World War killed more people than all the religious wars in the past. 6,000 men a day died for 1,500 days in World War I. Russian Civil War ,000,000 - Political control

45 What Really Causes Wars?
Soviet Union, Stalin Regime – 20-45,000,000 - Political control China Nationalist Era ,000,000 - Political control Second World War / ,000,000 - Balance of power/Expansionism Sino-Japanese War ,000,000 – Expansionism

46 What Really Causes Wars?
Post-WWII German Expulsions from Eastern Europe ,000,000 - Post-war policies. Retributions/Soviet and Eastern European control Chinese Civil War ,500,000 - Political control People’s Republic of China – 40-80,000,000 - Political control

47 What Really Causes Wars?
North Korean Regime ,000,000 - Political control Korean War ,800,000 - Political control Second Indochina War ,000,000 - Political control Ethiopia ,500,000 - Political control

48 What Really Causes Wars?
Khmer Rouge ,500,000 - Political control Afghanistan ,800,000 - Political control/Soviet expansion Kinshasa Congo ,800,000 – Political control &Resources


50 3rd proof Promotional


52 Promoters of World Religion
Prince Charles of England: He launched a new movement called “Respect” in order to, “Promote tolerance among the world’s religions.”

53 Promoters of World Religion
Global Warming promoter Al Gore said this: “The richness and diversity of our religious tradition throughout history is a spiritual resource long ignored by people of faith…

54 Promoters of World Religion
who are often afraid to open their minds to teachings first offered outside their own system of belief…

55 Promoters of World Religion
But the emergence of a civilization in which knowledge moves freely and almost instantaneously through the world has spurred a renewed investigation of the wisdom distilled by all faiths…

56 Promoters of World Religion
This panreligious perspective may prove especially important where our global civilization’s responsibility for the earth is concerned.”…

57 Promoters of World Religion
But he’s not the only one. Hollywood, the Governments, and even the Vatican are promoting this One World Religion…


59 Promoters of World Religion
But that’s not all. This One World Religion also has a new symbol. Maybe you’ve seen it. It’s called COEXIST and it looks like this…

60 World Religion Symbol

61 Promoters of World Religion
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia: He has been planning for years to, “Find a way to unite the world’s major religions in an effort to help foster peace…

62 Promoters of World Religion
And he believes a new International Organization will help make that dream a reality.”

63 Promoters of World Religion
Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger, one of the two Chief Rabbis of Israel said: “We need a United Relations of Religions, which would contain representatives of the World’s Religions as opposed to nations…

64 Promoters of World Religion
A Church, a mosque, a synagogue or a holy temple must be embassies of God and we have to spread this idea to our believers.” He has suggested that the Dalai Lama could lead the assembly.

65 Promoters of World Religion
Muslim Figure Adnan Oktar: He recently met with three representatives from the re-established Jewish Sanhedrin, to discuss how religious Muslims, Jews and Christians…

66 Promoters of World Religion
can work together on rebuilding the Temple.” An official statement about the meeting has been published on the Sanhedrin’s website where they stated…

67 Promoters of World Religion
“We are all the sons of one father, the descendants of Adam, and all humanity is but a single family. Peace among Nations will be achieved through building the House of G-d, where all peoples will serve.”

68 Promoters of World Religion
Oktar added that, “The Temple will be rebuilt and all believers will worship there in tranquility.” And, “The Temple could be rebuilt in one year.”


70 Luke 21:28 “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”






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