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Cedar Falls Community School District

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1 Cedar Falls Community School District
2016/17 School Year Certified Annual Report October 9, 2017

2 Certified Annual Report
The Certified Annual Financial Report (CAR) is a report of financial data Iowa public school district and Area Education Agencies (AEA) are required to file with the Iowa Department of Education. The report is due September 15th of each year. Included within the CAR is the Special Education Supplement (SES) which determines revenue and expenditures associated with the special education program. The Department of Education Uniform Financial Accounting for Iowa LEA’s and AEA’s is used to determine proper account coding of all revenue and expenditures.

3 Cedar Falls CSD - Summary of Funds
Governmental Fund Type General Fund (10) Includes Special Education (12) Tchr. Salary Supplement/Professional Develop/Tchr. Leadership Funds (14) Instructional Support Levy (16) Special Revenue Funds Student Activity (21) Management Fund (22) District Support Trust Fund (27) Funds donated to District. Both principal and interest can be used.

4 Summary of Funds Governmental Fund Type Proprietary Fund Type
Capital Project Funds Capital Projects Fund (31) [New for FY17] Statewide School Infrastructure Sales/Service Tax [SAVE] (33) Physical Plant & Equipment Levy [PPEL] (36) Debt Service Levy (40) Proprietary Fund Type Enterprise Fund School Nutrition Fund (61) HS Student Coffee Shop Fund (68)

5 Summary of Funds Fiduciary Fund Type Private Purpose Trust Fund (81)
Misc. Student Scholarships Agency Funds (92/93/94) 92 = Employee Flower Funds, CF Schools Foundation Gifts, etc. 93 = CF Athletic Booster Club, Peet PATT, etc. 94 = River Hills Consortium

6 Definitions Total Assets = Cash, Receivables and Inventory on hand.
Fund Balance = Total Assets minus Payables and Accrued Expenses due.

7 General Fund (10) Succeeding year property tax receivable are not included.

8 General Fund Revenue & Expenditure Summary
Amounts shown are not be reflective of changes in the District’s authorized budget authority.

9 General Fund Revenue Comparison
Due to rounding percentages may not total 100.0%

10 General Fund Revenue Comparison

11 General Fund Miscellaneous Income
Total $5,873,635 Total $7,446,734 Total $7,673,278

12 Changes in Federal Funding
FY FY Change Head Start $ ,120 $ 142,195 $ ,075 PEP Grant $ ,679 $ 218,318 $ (54,331) Part B Basic (SE) $ ,612 $ 236,498 $ ,886 Perkins $ ,655 $ ,579 $ ( 6,076) TAP $ ,363 $ ,720 $ ,357 Title I Basic $ ,641 $ 420,094 $ ,453 Title I – SINA $ ,768 $ ,088 $ ,320 Title I Carryover $ ,617 $ ,575 $ 1,958

13 Changes in Federal Funding
FY FY Change Title IIA $ ,172 $ ,512 $ (1,660) Title III $ ,404 $ ,554 $ (2,850) Title VI (Assessment) $ ,500 $ ,540 $ (9,960) Adv. Placement $ $ $ Sub-total $ 1,325,531 $ 1,308,053 $ (17,478) Medicaid $ ,441 $ ,468 $ ,027 Total $ 2,153,972 $ 2,282,521 $ ,549

14 FY2017 General Fund Revenue
Due to rounding, percentages may not equal %

15 FY2017 General Fund Expenditures
Due to rounding, percentages may not equal %

16 2016-17 Certified Annual Report Special Education Supplement
Special education is a broad term that describes the education of students who have intellectual, physical, behavioral or emotional disabilities. An Individual Educational Plan (IEP) is developed and tailored to the unique needs of each student. The special education program is a part of the foundation formula weighting for students with IEP’s. Special Ed program provides funding for the excess costs of instruction of students with IEP’s above the costs of instruction of students in the regular curriculum.

17 Special Education Student Funding
Students are FIRST general education students who also have an IEP and are entitled to all the services available to general education students (General Program Expense [GPE]) All students receive 1.0 general program cost funding ($6,598 for FY17) In addition, special education students are weighted (funded), based on need, in one the following categories: Level I (L1) weighting (1.72 total) $6,596 + $4,749 = $11,345 Level II (L2) weighting (2.21 total) $6,596 + $7,981 = $14,577 Level III (L3) weighting (3.74 total) $6,596 + $18,073 = $24,669

18 Allowable Special Education Expenses
Costs delineated on the students IEP that are direct costs of providing instruction and services including: Salary & benefits for special education licensed teachers Para-educators in a students IEP (salary & benefits) Staff development Specialized student physical education, travel training or accommodations for extracurricular activities Modifications, adaptations or special accommodations in order for the student to benefit from instruction Specialized supplies and/or equipment

19 Allowable Special Education Expenses
Costs delineated on the students IEP that are direct costs of providing instruction and services including: Health services (if contained in the IEP health plan [IHP]) Specialized transportation Tuition to another District/Agency for providing education on behalf of the resident District Administrative costs if: A separate contracted facility is located within District or District is a member of a special education consortium and District receives prior approve from the School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) River Hills Consortium Lied Center Consortium – Waverly Grandwood Consortium - Grainger

20 2016-17 Certified Annual Report Special Education Supplement
541 resident students served at Cedar Falls Schools 42 resident students served by other schools/agencies Cedar Rapids CSD Forest City CSD College CSD Independence CSD Davenport CSD Janesville CSD Des Moines ICSD Sioux City CSD Dike-New Hartford CSD Storm Lake CSD Dubuque CSD Waterloo CSD East Buchanan CSD Waverly-Shell Rock CSD Estherville CSD Woodward-Grainger CSD Note: A student may be counted more than once due to the following: 2 students changed from Level II to Level III in FY17 2 students changed from Level I to Level II in FY17 1 student changed schools during FY17

21 2016-17 Certified Annual Report Special Education Supplement
Cedar Falls served 83 out of district students Dike-New Hartford CSD 4 North Tama CSD Hudson CSD Waterloo CSD Janesville CSD Webster City CSD New Hampton CSD West Delaware CSD Note: A student may be counted more than once due to changes in special education weighting or a change in resident district. Cost associated with the education of these students comes from the above school districts (tuition in).

22 Combined (Total) Special Education Enrollment Served as Least One Day During the School Year
+ 6 + 8 +10

23 Resident Students Served within CFCSD Served as Least One Day During the School Year
518 521 520 513 528 531 541 Total

24 Resident Students Tuition Out Served as Least One Day During the School Year
Total 86 123 43 40 34 42

25 Resident Students Funded vs. Actual Students Served
Includes Tuition Out Students Note: Student count shown occurred on the previous year count day (ie: 2016/17 student count was on October 1, 2015)

26 Revenue Comparison $8,287,472 $8,464,885 $9,011,985 $9,031,188
$9,427,368 $9,929,730 GPE not included

27 Expenditure Comparison
$9,552,523 $9,413,894 $9,154,779 $9,572,751 $10,234,902 $10,902,711 *= Travel/Supplies/Contracted Service/Equipment GPE = General Program Expenditures

28 CAR-SES Total Receipts & Expenses

29 CAR-SES End of Year Balance
-$386,301 FY17 balance subject to CAR review.

30 District Special Education Staff

31 School Finance – Spending Authority
Term Explanation Type Cash on Hand Total Cash on Hand One Time State Aid Amount received from State Recurring Property Taxes Amount received from local property owners Miscellaneous Income Basically any income which is not State Aid or Property Tax One Time and/or Recurring Budget Authority Total amount the District can legally spend during fiscal year [Credit card limit] Authorized Unspent Budget Authority (Unspent Balance) Remaining amt. of spending authority at EOY (spending authority minus actual expenditures)

32 General Fund Key Financial Indicators
The Iowa Association of School Boards (IASB) has developed key financial indicators to create a snapshot of a District’s financial health Key General Fund dashboard indicators include: #1 Certified Enrollment #2 Financial Solvency Ratio #3 Unspent Budget Authority #3A Unspent Budget Authority Ratio #4 Annual Unspent Budget Authority Ratio

33 History of Unspent Certified Enrollment Key Trend Dashboard Indicator #1
Increase of 15.6% over the last 8 years. 4 year old pre-school students not included.

34 General Fund Financial Solvency Ratio Key Trend Dashboard Indicator #2
Committed, assigned & unassigned fund balance/General fund revenue less AEA flow thru. Measures the District’s fund equity position. IASB recommended minimum 5%. Goal 10% Subject to CAR Review

35 Enrollment Funding Delay
District granted additional budget spending authority. Funding is by the cash reserve levy (1 year delay).

36 General Fund Unspent Budget Authority Key Trend Dashboard Indicator #3
FY17 Balance subject to CAR review.

37 General Fund Unspent Budget Authority Ratio Key Trend Dashboard Indicator #3A
A goal of a 10% unassigned/unrestricted unspent authorized budget balance over maximum authorized budget (6.54 million) is desired. District is at 12.17% for 2016/17. FY17 Balance subject to CAR review.

38 General Fund Annual Unspent Budget Ratio Key Trend Dashboard Indicator #4
FY17 Balance subject to CAR review.

39 Other Governmental Funds

40 Definitions Total Assets = Cash, Receivables and Inventory on hand.
Fund Balance = Total Assets minus Payables and Accrued Expenses due.

41 Activity Fund (21)

42 Activity Fund Revenue & Expenditure Summary

43 Management Fund (22) Succeeding year property tax receivable are not included.

44 Management Fund Revenue & Expenditure Summary

45 District Support Trust Fund (27)

46 Capital Projects Fund (31)

47 Capital Projects Fund Revenue & Expenditure Summary

48 Statewide School Infrastructure Sales & Service Tax [SAVE] (33)

49 Statewide Sch. Infrastructure Sales & Service Tax Revenue & Expenditure Summary

50 Statewide Sch. Infrastructure Sales & Service Tax Projected Future Fund Balance (GAAP)

51 Physical Plant & Equipment Levy (36)
Succeeding year property tax receivable are not included.

52 Physical Plant & Equipment Levy Revenue & Expenditure Summary

53 Debt Service Levy (40)

54 Debt Service Levy Revenue & Expenditure Summary
Revenue is transferred from SAVE Fund to Debt Service Levy for payment of SAVE Fund debt obligations.

55 Proprietary Funds

56 Enterprise [Nutrition] Fund (61 & 68)

57 Enterprise [Nutrition] Fund Revenue & Expenditure Summary

58 Fiduciary Funds

59 Private Purpose Trust Fund (81)

60 Agency Funds (92/93/94) Agency funds are held in a custodial capacity only, thus no fund balance. River Hills Consortium tuition receivables account for the majority of total assets.

61 2016/17 Treasurer Report – All Funds
$122,284,975 $96,229,390 Includes refinancing of revenue bonds Sale of general obligation bonds Agency funds are held is a custodial capacity only and are not included.

62 Historical Treasurer Report – All Funds

63 Acknowledgements Special thank you to Denelle Gonnerman, Carrie DeBerg, Jill White and the entire business office staff for all their time and effort in preparing the Certified Annual Report and Special Education Supplement.

64 Questions?

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