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Sea wall It is a concrete or rock barrier against the sea. Placed at the foot of cliffs or at the top of a beach. Has a curved face to reflect the waves.

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Presentation on theme: "Sea wall It is a concrete or rock barrier against the sea. Placed at the foot of cliffs or at the top of a beach. Has a curved face to reflect the waves."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sea wall It is a concrete or rock barrier against the sea. Placed at the foot of cliffs or at the top of a beach. Has a curved face to reflect the waves back into the sea. Costs- £5000 to £10000 per Metre. Advantages- Effective at stopping the sea. Often has a walkway or promenade for people to walk on. Disadvantages- can look unnatural, very expensive and high maintenance cost. Coastal Management Hard Engineering at Holderness coast is retreating it looses 1.8m each year. In 1991 Mappleton paid £2m for rock armour. Groynes were built to stop longshore drift. It was successful but caused problems elsewhere like Great Cowden’s farm where there is still loss of land. Its caused a loss of habitat for wildlife at Spurn head. Due to less material transported. Homework Go through and highlight important information. Produce a revision card on the outline. Answer the Exam question Rock Armour It is a piles of large boulders at the foot of a cliff. The rock forces waves to break, absorbing their energy and protecting the cliff. Costs- £200,000 per 100m Advantages- relatively cheap and easy to maintain, can provide interest along the coast, often used for fishing. Disadvantages- rocks from other parts of the coast or another country, can be expensive to transport, obstructive. Gabions It is a wire cage filled with rocks that can be built up to support a cliff or provide a buffer against the sea. Costs- £50,000 per 100m Advantages- cheap to produce and flexible in the final design, can improve drainage of cliffs, will eventually become vegetation and merge into the landscape. Disadvantages- For a while they look very unattractive, cages only last 5-10 years before they rust.

2 “Sea walls are better at protecting the coastline”
To what extent do you agree with the statement 9 marks ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Where are you on the line mark it on ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 0% 100% Marks 1-3 Basic sentences are made about management On the one hand some think sea walls are better because… On the other hand some think soft gabions and rock armour are better because… Overall I agree with the statement… % due to… Marks 4-6 Able to make a decision and back this up with evidence Marks 7-9 Able to make a well justified decision backed up by facts and figures and named places

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