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Presentation on theme: "RAJALAKSHMI ENGINEERING COLLEGE"— Presentation transcript:


2 UNIT- I AUTOMATA 11/19/2018

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15 Finite Automata 11/19/2018

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17 States Open Closed Sensors Front – Someone on the Front pad Rear – Someone on the Rear pad Both – Someone on both the pads Neither – No one on either pad 11/19/2018

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80 Questions about Regular Languages

81 Question contd… 11/19/2018

82 Singleton Languages are Regular

83 Finite Languages are regular

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89 Closure Properties for Regular Languages

90 Myhill-Nerode Theorem

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95 Context Free Grammars 11/19/2018

96 Cont… 11/19/2018

97 Cont… 11/19/2018

98 Defining CFG 11/19/2018

99 Notational conventions For CFGs

100 OTHER CFG EXAMPLES 11/19/2018

101 Languages of CFG 11/19/2018

102 Languages of CFG 11/19/2018

103 Regular Languages and CFL

104 Translating FAs into CFG

105 Formalizing the Translation

106 Closure Properties of CFL

107 Proving CFLs closed under Union

108 IDEA 11/19/2018

109 Formal Construction of Gu

110 Derivations 11/19/2018

111 Sentential Form 11/19/2018

112 Left Most and Right Most Derivation

113 Right-Linear Grammars

114 Ambiguous Grammars 11/19/2018

115 Ambiguous Grammars 11/19/2018

116 Pushdown Automata Recall our study of regular languages.
They were defined in terms of regular expressions (syntax). We then showed that FAs provide the computational power needed to process them. We would like to mimic this line of development for CFLs. We have a “syntactic” definition of CFLs in terms of CFGs. What kind of computing power is needed to “process” (i.e. recognize) CFLs? Do FAs suffice? 11/19/2018

117 Cont… 11/19/2018

118 Cont… 11/19/2018

119 Example PDA for{0n1n|n≥0}

120 Formal Definition 11/19/2018

121 Instantaneous Description

122 Language accepted by PDA

123 Language accepted by PDA

124 Language accepted by PDA

125 Equivalence of CFGs and PDAs

126 Cont… 11/19/2018

127 Deterministic PDA 11/19/2018


129 Chomsky Normal Form 11/19/2018

130 Defining CNF 11/19/2018

131 What is the Big Deal about CNF?

132 Cont… 11/19/2018

133 Converting CFGs into CNF

134 Eliminating ε-Productions

135 Cont… 11/19/2018

136 Cont… 11/19/2018

137 Nullability 11/19/2018

138 Generating an ε-Production-free CFGs

139 Converting CFGs into CNF

140 Eliminating Unit Productions

141 Cont… 11/19/2018

142 U(G,A) and New Productions

143 Example 11/19/2018

144 Cont… 11/19/2018

145 Formal Construction 11/19/2018

146 Eliminating Terminal Productions

147 Example 11/19/2018

148 Formal Construction 11/19/2018

149 Pumping Lemma For CFLs 11/19/2018

150 Cont… 11/19/2018

151 Derivation Trees 11/19/2018

152 Defining Derivation Tree

153 Example 11/19/2018

154 Derivation Trees and CNF

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156 Pumping Lemma for CFL 11/19/2018

157 Proving Languages Non Context Free using Pumping Lemma

158 Prove that L= {aNbNcN|N ≥0} is Not a CFL

159 Proof Cont… 11/19/2018

160 Turing Machines 11/19/2018

161 A Finite Automaton 11/19/2018

162 A Pushdown Automaton 11/19/2018

163 A Turing Machine 11/19/2018

164 Cont.. 11/19/2018

165 Differences 11/19/2018

166 Example 11/19/2018

167 Cont… 11/19/2018

168 Cont… 11/19/2018

169 Cont… 11/19/2018

170 Formal Definition 11/19/2018

171 Cont.. 11/19/2018

172 Cont… 11/19/2018

173 Cont… 11/19/2018

174 Configurations 11/19/2018

175 Cont… 11/19/2018

176 More Configuration 11/19/2018

177 Accepting a Language 11/19/2018

178 Enumerable Languages 11/19/2018

179 UNIT – V UNDECIDABILITY 11/19/2018

180 Enumerable Languages 11/19/2018

181 Enumerable Languages 11/19/2018

182 Example 11/19/2018

183 Example 11/19/2018

184 Example 11/19/2018

185 Element Distinctness 11/19/2018

186 Element Distinctness 11/19/2018

187 Element Distinctness 11/19/2018

188 Element Distinctness 11/19/2018

189 Element Distinctness 11/19/2018

190 Variants 11/19/2018

191 Multitape Turing Machine

192 Equivalence 11/19/2018

193 Simulation 11/19/2018

194 Simulation 11/19/2018

195 Non Deterministic Turing Machine

196 Decidability 11/19/2018

197 Example 11/19/2018

198 Theorem 11/19/2018

199 Theorem 11/19/2018

200 Theorem 11/19/2018

201 Theorem 11/19/2018

202 Halting Problem 11/19/2018

203 Cont.. 11/19/2018

204 Cont.. 11/19/2018

205 Turing Machines are countable

206 Cont.. 11/19/2018

207 Post Correspondence Problem

208 Cont… 11/19/2018

209 Cont... 11/19/2018

210 Cont… 11/19/2018

211 Cont… 11/19/2018

212 Cont… 11/19/2018

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214 NP-complete Problem 11/19/2018

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217 To keep things simple, we will mainly concern ourselves with
Decision Problems To keep things simple, we will mainly concern ourselves with decision problems. These problems only require a single bit output: ``yes'' and ``no''. How would you solve the following decision problems? Is this directed graph acyclic? Is there a spanning tree of this undirected graph with total weight less than w? Does this bipartite graph have a perfect (all nodes matched) matching? Does the pattern p appear as a substring in text t? 11/19/2018

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219 P is the set of decision problems that can be solved in worst-case
polynomial time: If the input is of size n, the running time must be O(nk). Note that k can depend on the problem class, but not the particular instance. All the decision problems mentioned above are in P. 11/19/2018

220 The class NP (meaning non-deterministic polynomial time) is the
Nice Puzzle The class NP (meaning non-deterministic polynomial time) is the set of problems that might appear in a puzzle magazine: ``Nice puzzle.'' What makes these problems special is that they might be hard to solve, but a short answer can always be printed in the back, and it is easy to see that the answer is correct once you see it. Example... Does matrix A have an LU decomposition? No guarantee if answer is ``no''. 11/19/2018

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222 Technically speaking:
NP Technically speaking: A problem is in NP if it has a short accepting certificate. An accepting certificate is something that we can use to quickly show that the answer is ``yes'' (if it is yes). Quickly means in polynomial time. Short means polynomial size. This means that all problems in P are in NP (since we don't even need a certificate to quickly show the answer is ``yes''). But other problems in NP may not be in P. Given an integer x, is it composite? How do we know this is in NP? 11/19/2018

223 Another way of thinking of NP is it is the set of problems that can
Good Guessing Another way of thinking of NP is it is the set of problems that can solved efficiently by a really good guesser. The guesser essentially picks the accepting certificate out of the air (Non-deterministic Polynomial time). It can then convince itself that it is correct using a polynomial time algorithm. (Like a right-brain, left-brain sort of thing.) Clearly this isn't a practically useful characterization: how could we build such a machine? 11/19/2018

224 Exponential Upperbound
Another useful property of the class NP is that all NP problems can be solved in exponential time (EXP). This is because we can always list out all short certificates in exponential time and check all O(2nk) of them. Thus, P is in NP, and NP is in EXP. Although we know that P is not equal to EXP, it is possible that NP = P, or EXP, or neither. Frustrating! 11/19/2018

225 As we will see, some problems are at least as hard to solve as any
NP-hardness As we will see, some problems are at least as hard to solve as any problem in NP. We call such problems NP-hard. How might we argue that problem X is at least as hard (to within a polynomial factor) as problem Y? If X is at least as hard as Y, how would we expect an algorithm that is able to solve X to behave? 11/19/2018

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230 All evidence indicates that these conjectures are true.
co-NP NP P One of the central (and widely and intensively studied 30 years) problems of (theoretical) computer science is to prove that (a) PNP (b) NP  co-NP. All evidence indicates that these conjectures are true.  Disproving any of these two conjectures would not only be considered truly spectacular, but would also come as a tremendous surprise (with a variety of far-reaching counterintuitive consequences). NP-complete: Collection Z of problems is NP-complete if (a) it is NP and (b) if polynomial-time algorithm existed for solving problems in Z, then P=NP. 11/19/2018

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236 NP-Complete Problems 11/19/2018

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