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Game Project IMGD 4000 Due Dates: Form Teams Treatment Website

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Presentation on theme: "Game Project IMGD 4000 Due Dates: Form Teams Treatment Website"— Presentation transcript:

1 Game Project IMGD 4000 Due Dates: Form Teams Treatment Website
Tech milestone Alpha April 19 Playtesting Beta

2 Alpha Release Compile cleanly, runnable
All required features implemented Physics, Autonomous, force-based steering, Pathfinding, State-based AI May not be working entirely correctly, but code is observable and demonstrable in game Optional tech features may not yet be implemented Game code tested to eliminate critical gameplay flaws Minor glitches/bugs present May have separate levels for separate parts (e.g., some illustrating weapons, other bad guys or boss) Not yet balanced, nor levels designed Placeholder art assets ok (e.g., simple cube)

3 Presentation (1 of 2) Present game in class
Designed to “show off” your game Describe design, art and tech Show don’t just tell Consider this a practice for your final presentation Grading will be “light”, but with feedback for final presentation (which will not) Alpha presentation is full team of 4 so make sure tech and art prepare together!

4 Presentation (2 of 2) Opening
Introduce team High concept of game Summary of major features core ideas Can be done with slide(s) (but not too many!) Most time spent demonstrating game! (show, don’t tell) Highlight technical aspects as show them Describe details of implementation where needed Can be done “live” or with a video Bring laptop / test on podium computer ahead of time! Embarrassing things can happen when you don't try out! All team members should talk Arrange in advance who says what Total time 7 minutes Plan accordingly Practice! Many times  content, timing and transitions down

5 Presentation Notes Why present? You will give many presentations in your career Job interviews, Game pitches, conference/workshop talks Giving a presentation is a skill Like software design or coding You have the “training”, just need to practice! Embrace the challenge, learn to like it Or, at least, have the confidence you can do a good job

6 Dos and Don’ts Do Don’t Project your voice Speak with confidence
Make eye contact with audience Clearly describe tech Rehearse who says what Have both team mates speak Have clear visuals that show what you want audience to see Mumble Have an "oops" moment Apologize for any part of your presentation/game Use foul language Assume audience understands tech (or game!) Leave out part of presentation (e.g., introduction) Talk too much without visuals

7 Turn In Build windows executable Zip up source code
Put on Web where we can download Zip up source code *.cpp, *.h Screen shots of significant blueprints README.txt file with URL to download executable Directions on how to play the game For each technical element A brief description of its design and functionality Instruct Assist

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