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Faculty Council – February 9, 2018 Atinuke O. Diver, JD

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Presentation on theme: "Faculty Council – February 9, 2018 Atinuke O. Diver, JD"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building a Policy Ecosystem @ UNC
Faculty Council – February 9, 2018 Atinuke O. Diver, JD Associate Director for Ethics Education and Policy Management


3 The Challenge We are decentralized and disconnected.
Policies are hard to find. Inconsistent policy implementation. Policies aren’t widely communicated. “Undocumented policies” create risk.

4 Policy Ecosystem Principles
Coordinating Function Central Repository University Engagement Service-Orientation Standard Policy Processes


6 This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

7 This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND


9 University Policy Life Cycle
Policy Development Policy Review Policy Approval Policy Communication Policy Maintenance

10 What is the point? FIND UNDERSTAND ACT

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