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Lab A Lab B Lab C Lab D Lab E

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1 Lab A Lab B Lab C Lab D Lab E
% JAK2-V617F Supplementary Figure 1. Evidence for marked variation in JAK2-V617F quantification between laboratories at the outset of the program Freeze-dried cells from a 1 in 30 dilution of HEL cells (which harbor multiple copies of JAK2-V617F and lack the wild type [WT] JAK2 allele) in K562 cells (WT JAK2) were provided to 5 ELN member laboratories by the UK National External Quality Assessment Service (UK NEQAS, Sheffield, UK). The test sample was estimated to comprise ~10% JAK2-V617F; however, the recipient laboratories who each used their own established JAK2-V617F qPCR assay, reported markedly differing levels of mutant allele percentage, ranging from 23%-80%.

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