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Organizational Culture

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1 Organizational Culture
Leading Organizational Culture

2 Organizational Culture
Defined as the system of shared beliefs and values that develop within an organization and guides the behaviour of its members. Every organization has something unique about it. Senators vs Maple Leafs Royal Bank vs Bank of Montreal

3 Organizational Culture
It has the potential to shape behaviour, reinforce common beliefs, and encourage members to apply their efforts to accomplish important organizational goals.

4 Is Organizational Culture Important?
If employees know what the company stands for then they are more likely to make decisions that will support those standards.

5 Is Organizational Culture Important?
A strong culture reinforces members to do things that are in the best interest of the organization.

6 Is Organizational Culture Important?
Climbing the Grease Pole during Frosh Week at Queen’s.

7 Is Organizational Culture Important?

8 Is Organizational Culture Important?

9 Is Organizational Culture Important?

10 Is Organizational Culture Important?

11 Management and Organizational Culture
Management is involved in establishing and maintaining values. Values should have: Relevance – core values support key objectives Pervasiveness – core values known by members Strength – core values are accepted by members

12 VALUES SHOULD HAVE…… Relevance, Pervasiveness and Strength
The X-Ring is said to be the third most recognized ring in the world. It is a permanent reminder of the St FX experience

13 Subcultures These are the cultures common to groups of people with similar values & beliefs based on shared characteristics Occupational Subcultures Ethnic and Racial Subcultures Generational Subcultures Gender Subcutures

14 OCCUPATIONAL Subcultures
Certain groups; ie: lawyers, engineers, accountants, doctor’s etc.. Have needs for autonomy that may conflict with traditional management methods. Unless these needs are addressed and recognized, these salaried people may prove difficult to integrate into the culture of the larger organization.

15 ETHNIC and RACIAL Subcultures
Increasingly important as organizations have an increasingly multi-cultural population. Members have to be conscious of the different ethnic and racial groups, because they have significant impact on the organizational culture.

16 GENERATIONAL Subcultures
The influence of generational sub-cultures is sub- cultures is subtler than young-old issues Have to deal with the generation gabs among people who grew up during different periods of time, and whose values have evolved under very different influences Boom, bust, echo

17 GENDER Subcultures When men work together, a male group culture forms. Typically a competitive atmosphere, where the games and stories deal with winning and losing in various situations. Women form a different female group. It involves more personal relationships with an emphasis on collaboration.

18 Ingredients of Organizational Culture
Stories Rites and Rituals Core Cultural Values Heroes Symbols

19 The Bible Christmas Story, Easter, Noah’s Arc, 10 Commandments
Baptism, marriage, funeral, confession, commuinion Faith, Love, Justice, Joy, Peace, Hope Jesus, Abraham, Noah, Peter, Paul Cross, fish, wine, hands together in prayer

20 The Glass Ceiling Dominant Culture: White Males
Hold most top positions Present at all levels of the organization Included in every-level hiring Minority Cultures: Women, people of colour and other minorities Holds few top positions Distributed in lower-middle levels

21 THE GLASS CEILING Glass Ceiling – Limiting advancement of women and minorities Dominant Culture: White Males – Limiting advancement of women and minorities

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