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Physical Education National Qualifications

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1 Physical Education National Qualifications
Chloe Havlin Acting PT

2 How valuable is national PE?
= General Standard Grade (SCQF – 4) National 5 = Credit Standard Grade /Int 2 PE (SCQF -5)

3 National 5 No external exam
40% - of overall grade will be based on internal portfolio. 60% - one off performance in an activity of their choice that has been covered throughout the course i.e. badminton Pupils must also pass a unit of work in order to sit the portfolio – Factors Impacting Performance.

4 National 4 Factors impacting performance Practical Performance
Added Value Unit - Completed in a competitive environment outwith the classroom i.e. School Athletics Championships.

5 Your child …. Will start at National 5….
The challenge for them is to work hard enough and with the correct attitude to stay there…… This course is evidence based and we can only present pupils for National 5 if we have sufficient evidence i.e. homework, tests, log books, attendance If we do not have the evidence from your pupil we cannot present them for National 5.

6 What can you expect from the PE Dept?
High Standards Dedicated/ committed staff High quality teaching and learning Internal verifier/Team Leader - role with SQA Homework every week

7 Questions..???

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