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Innovations Change Things Up

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Presentation on theme: "Innovations Change Things Up"— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovations Change Things Up
How did innovations change society and business during the Industrial Revolution?

2 Industrial Revolution
What was it? Switch to machine made products Began in England but spreads around the world US will start with industrializing the textile industry After the Civil War, industrialization will boom throughout the US due to new innovations


4 New Ways to Communicate
Telegraph Morse Code – send messages over long distances Transatlantic Telegraph Messages now sent quickly between the US and Europe Telephone Alexander Graham Bell Call someone and talk – don’t have to use code

5 New forms of Transportation
Transcontinental Railroad Finally connects Eastern US to Western US Connects markets of the East and West Automobiles Invented in Europe but really expensive Henry Ford – makes an affordable car Airplanes Wright Brothers invent the flying machine

6 Making Work Easier? Electricity Light Bulb Bessemer Process
Allowed factories to run more efficiently Supplied power to cities Light Bulb Thomas Edison Brought light around the clock to people and factories Bessemer Process Created steel cheaply and allowed mass production of steel Train tracks, taller buildings, bridges, etc

7 Making Work Easier? Assembly Line Interchangeable Parts
Workers would stand in a line and have one job to do Product would move down the line until it was complete Ex – one person attaches the wheels to a car Interchangeable Parts Parts were made for the same type of product – no longer has to be specific to just one item Ex – wheels made for car A will also work on car B and car C

8 Henry Ford! Uses both the assembly line and interchangeable parts to make his Model T car These two innovations allow goods to be made in large quantities quickly and makes products cheaper Model T is affordable to most working class adults

9 Henry Ford Henry Ford made sure his employees could afford one of his cars It was faster than a horse and could travel more than the average 10 miles of a horse drawn buggy

10 Foldable Inside Outside: Describe the purpose of that invention
Who invented it Why was it significant (how did it change society in the US) Outside: Pick 4 inventions you think were the most significant Draw a picture to represent that invention

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