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Ways to Actively Review APUSH Content:

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1 Ways to Actively Review APUSH Content:
Ways to Actively Review APUSH Content: Name ___________________________ On your own: Read over your notes from the year - edit, highlight, make changes. This might sound crazy, but this is how I studied back in olden times, and it really helped! Read through the key concepts. All of the multiple choice come directly from these key concepts. It’s a very good idea to become familiar with the wording of the concepts. Get yourself a review book. I suggest the following - Larry Krieger, U.S. Crash Course Review Book ; use the AMSCO Review books from in class! Make flashcards for persistently difficult terms. Youtube for Review: Crash Course John Green - Daniel Jocz - APUH Teacher - Adam Norris - APUSH Teacher - Tom Richey - APUSH Teacher - Mr. Betts - the singing guy - Hip Hughes - APUSH Teacher - Websites for review: - (Really neat timeline review - helps you put events in order.) - )All kinds of stuff.) - (Guided review sheets to coordinate with videos) (Powerpoints for every unit of study) (provide multiple choice with instant feedback for practice) (videos for each time period with the key concepts) (just search APUSH and the time period - you can quiz yourself on any time period here) April 15th April 16th April 17th April 19th April 20th April 21st April 22nd April 23rd April 24th Period 1-4 due in class today April 25th April 26th Period 5 due in class today April 27th April 28th Period 6 due in class today April 29th April 30th May 1st Period 7 due in class today May 2nd May 3rd Period 8-9 due in class today May 4th May 5th Exam day May 6th sleep!

2 Period 1-2 Date Studied Parent Signature Hours Devoted
__________________________ _________________________ Content Reviewed What I’ve mastered What I still need to review What I need to ask Mrs. Smith about

3 Period 3 Date Studied Parent Signature Hours Devoted
__________________________ _________________________ Content Reviewed What I’ve mastered What I still need to review What I need to ask Mrs. Smith about

4 Period 4 Date Studied Parent Signature Hours Devoted
__________________________ _________________________ Content Reviewed What I’ve mastered What I still need to review What I need to ask Mrs. Smith about

5 Period 5 Date Studied Parent Signature Hours Devoted
__________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ Content Reviewed What I’ve mastered What I still need to review What I need to ask Mrs. Smith about

6 Period 6 Date Studied Parent Signature Hours Devoted
__________________________ Content Reviewed What I’ve mastered What I still need to review What I need to ask Mrs. Smith About

7 Period 7 Date Studied Parent Signature Hours Devoted
__________________________ Content Reviewed What I’ve mastered What I still need to review What I need to ask Mrs. Smith about

8 Period 8 Date Studied Parent Signature Hours Devoted
__________________________ Content Reviewed What I’ve mastered What I still need to review What I need to ask Mrs. Smith about

9 Period 9 Date Studied Parent Signature Hours Devoted
__________________________ Content Reviewed What I’ve mastered What I still need to review What I need to ask Mrs. Smith about

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