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Who am I? By: Paul Tarabochia.

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Presentation on theme: "Who am I? By: Paul Tarabochia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who am I? By: Paul Tarabochia

2 Some background: Full Name: Paul Anthony Tarabochia
Birthday: May 5, 1987 Born and raised in Seattle Washington 3 younger siblings-Angie (19), Lisa 16) and Kevin (14) Parents-Donna and Anthony Both sides of my family come from CROATIA

3 Systems: Family: raised in a very big, but shy family. Most family members are extremely outgoing, but shy in public. Always found to be odd, but can explain my behavior. Schools: Holy Rosary, O’Dea HS, and Western. Community: Growing up in West Seattle. Sheltered environment and lack of diversity. Sports: Grew up in competitive environment All of these systems have affected my life in some way and connected me to the larger system of Society.

4 Butterfly Effects: One simple phone conversation w/ a friend put the idea of WWU in my head…and now I’m here. Would not of met many of my friends that I have today…. Getting a tattoo in High School. No idea about the Chaos this would cause for me…

5 Bifurcation Points: Graduating High School
Moving out of Seattle (only one of friends) to Bellingham (self-organization) Finally choosing a major after 2 years of GUR’s at Western. (led to self-organization of what I am doing with my life)

6 Strange Attractors: Diversity (did not come across it until High School) Respect for people’s culture

7 Why Human Services? Future: Want to become a Firefighter
Saw a parallel between firefighting and Human Service Work If it does not work out, I still see myself doing Human Service Work. Future Paul???? Probably NOT

8 More about me: Sports: Western, Soccer, football (turkey bowl), baseball, softball, volleyball, snowboarding Interests: friends & family, traveling to warm places, Music, going to the movies, lifting weights, staying active, rock climbing, sleeping in, reading, video games, good food, cooking, Favorite Movies: Gangster/Mob movies Favorite Location: Susak, Croatia and Maui Favorite Foods: Pasta, Sushi

9 The End

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