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Introducing the Cold War

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1 Introducing the Cold War 1945-1991
Alice F. Short Hilliard Davidson High School World Studies

2 Learning Goals Cold War 1945 1946 1947 1948 United Nations
Yalta Conference Potsdam Conference 1946 Iron Curtain Speech 1947 George F. Kennan as Mr. X containment Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan 1948 Berlin Crisis

3 The Cold War capitalism vs communism
DISCUSSION: Who is at fault for the Cold War? consumerism – the preoccupation with the purchasing of material goods capitalism vs communism United States vs. Soviet Union (superpowers) cold war vs hot war proxy wars 1945 vs 1946 vs 1947 for start of Cold War nuclear bombs vs nuclear bombs (MAD)

4 Capitalism vs Communism Private Property vs Public Ownership for profit vs according to need
Pros: entrepreneurship market driven makes people want to work hard people are selfish innovation and economic growth people can “move up the ladder” freedom Cons: materialistic unequal distribution of wealth crony capitalism Pros: equality and equal opportunities decrease unemployment everyone gets basic needs helps working class Cons: people become less ambitious people are selfish lack of economic growth poverty people have less freedom (Soviet) “The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private property.” - Karl Marx

5 1945: United Nations United Nations
international organization to promote peace replacement for League of Nations original Charter: 50 countries current Charter: 193 UN Security Council 15-member panel

6 1945 Yalta Conference Potsdam Conference Winston Churchill
Franklin D. Roosevelt understood Stalin positive relationship with Churchill Joseph Stalin Potsdam Conference Clement Atlee Harry S. Truman first meeting with Stalin Joseph Stalin satellite countries DISCUSSION: Is Stalin’s desire for satellite countries in Eastern Europe to act as a buffer from future invasions an unreasonable request? If you were the leader of the Soviet Union, what would you request at the Potsdam Conference?

7 1946 Iron Curtain Speech (March 5) Winston Churchill
symbolic beginning of the Cold War iron curtain – divided the Soviet Union and its Eastern European satellites from the independent countries of Europe “The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.” -Winston Churchill Link to Summary of Speech (REG/I): Link to Speech and Video (HONORS):

8 Eastern Bloc Western Bloc

9 “The seeds of totalitarian regimes are nurtured by misery and want.”
1947 Marshall Plan Explained $ (5 min) $ “The seeds of totalitarian regimes are nurtured by misery and want.” -- Harry S. Truman George F. Kennan Foreign Affairs magazine containment policy Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan – European Recovery Program hoped to promote world peace (economic stability) provided to 17 Western European countries gave 12 billion in economic aid hoped to stop the spread of communism comintern

10 symbolically ended GB’s great power status
Greece and Turkey Soviet Union – wanted access wanted control of Dardanelles Strait Black Sea to Mediterranean Sea: location, location, locations Britain – stopped assisting US – started assisting $400 million in aid symbolically ended GB’s great power status

11 1948 Division of Germany Berlin Crisis (1st of Cold War)
blocked off transportation by road into West Berlin in June 1948 (Berlin Blockade) tested Western Cold War resolve led to Berlin Airlift (15 months) ended May 1949 East Germany West Germany

12 A SHORT Activity World Studies: Continue reading an annotating Cold War Reading. It needs to be read an annotated by ________________. Honors World Studies: You are Harry S. [Your Last Name]. Congrats! Summarize your international political policy in words. Make a list of at least 5 things that you think would be different OR 10 things that would be the same if you choose to do exactly as Truman did.

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