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Simplify the display Show only alpha carbons

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Presentation on theme: "Simplify the display Show only alpha carbons"— Presentation transcript:

1 Simplify the display Show only alpha carbons
Turn off show backbone oxygen Color secondary structure Turn 3 D display on

2 1HEW Backbone as ribbon Sidechains only in binding pocket
Substrate in yellow Non-polar residues of binding pocket in turquoise

3 1HEW Backbone as alpha carbons Sidechains only Tyr62
Substrate with VDW surface and CPK colors

4 1bmf

5 1bmf Colored by chain (discuss similarity to helicase and T3SS)

6 1bmf Open pdb – check chain id
Select Chain E (by clicking in column designation in Control Panel) Safe selected residues in current layer as betaTP Repeat for betaDP, betaE, alpha TP, alphaDP, and alpha E.

7 The save menu

8 1bmf Open the three beta SU
<SHIFT> Color in in secondary structure (shift makes it act on the 3 layers simultaneously)

9 1bmf 3 beta subunits Use Magic fit and interative magic fit to align the three subunits (use betDB as reference layer) <ctrl>tab allows you to move through the three layers For an animated GIF see

10 Layer Info Window Checkmarks in the vis and mov columns provide a fast way to change settings for the different layers

11 betaTB and betaE with RMS coloring compared to betaDP
Magic fit -> fit molecules -> RMS coloring RED: Long wavelength = long distance between structures BLUE: Short wavelength = short distance between structures If you need to switch the reference layer, you can do so in the SwissModel menu

12 The 3 point alignment tool
If you want to compare the structure of very dissimilar proteins that use a similar substrate, sometimes it helps to align the substrates. This can be done through the 3 point alignment tool.

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