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Ms. McCarty 5th Grade 1.

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1 Ms. McCarty 5th Grade 1

2 Graduated from Eastern Kentucky University
6th year teaching; 1st year at McKelvey Recently moved to St. Louis from Kentucky Academic Team and Girls Basketball Coach for last four years Thinking Strategies Lab Host Classroom for PEBC for past two years Enjoy the outdoors, exercising, traveling, and being with friends and family

3 A ~ Art B/D ~ Pe C ~ Music *Library times will be schedule throughout the year *Orchestra is on Tuesday and Friday. Counselor once a month TBD on time and day!

4 New Parkway Food Policy
In order to help protect the health and safety of our students with life threatening food allergies and to contribute to the health and academic success of all students, the Parkway School District has adopted new district wide Food Safety Expectations. Beginning with the 2017/2018 school year, all schools will promote these best practice guidelines: Classrooms should be food free whenever possible (students can continue to bring a daily snack for their own consumption). Food may not be brought from home for sharing class wide. Birthday and holiday celebrations will not include food. Food will not be used as a reward or motivator. Thank you for your cooperation!TT

5 Character Education and Positive Behavior Supports
McKelvey Code of Conduct: Caring, Respectful, Responsible, and Self-Motivated 7 Habits Braggin’ Dragons National School of Character

6 Behavior Management 3 Strike System
-Every student starts off with ZERO strikes on Monday. -Students can earn strikes by violating the Code of Conduct McKelvey Incident Report (MIR) may be filled out if your child has violated the Code of Conduct. 4 MIRs in one trimester will result in an office referral. Office Referral (OR) severe violations.

7 Guided Reading Levels and “Just Right Books”
Workshop Structure: ~Mini Lesson ~Independent Work Time/Conferences ~Reflection 5th Grade Units of Study: Book Clubs, Moving Up Levels of Nonfiction, Social Issues, Argument and Advocacy, Fantasy and Author Study

8 Writing Process/Expectations Workshop Structure: ~Mini Lesson
Writer’s Notebooks Writing Process/Expectations Workshop Structure: ~Mini Lesson ~Independent Work Time/Conferences ~Reflection 5th Grade Units of Study: Narratives, Editorials, Lens of History, Persuasive Essay, and Literary Essays Word work and Grammar will alternate with Orchestra time

9 Textbook can be a great resource!
Workshop Structure: ~Mini Lesson ~Independent Work Time/Conferences ~Reflection Envision Program Login Information Pretest/Posttest Switching during math Textbook can be a great resource!

10 Switching for four different units: -Solar System (Mrs. Petrofsky)
-Levers and Pulleys (Ms. McCarty’s Unit) -Nature Unleashed (Mr. Beutel) -Mixtures and Solutions (Ms. Picker) Science is tested on the MAP test in fifth grade. We will do a big review unit in the Spring.

11 Native Americans Colonial Period Revolutionary War United States Constitution Biz Town ~ Field Trip Thursday, October 5th.

12 30 Minutes of Reading time is expected every night.
Monday and Wednesday: reading notebook entry. Tuesday and Thursday: Language/Word Work (DOL) Monday through Thursday: math homework Students might also have science, social studies, or writing homework as well, but not on a regular basis. Accountability/Homework Club

13 -Students will be expected to utilize their assignment notebooks
-Students will be expected to utilize their assignment notebooks. The assignment notebook will need to be signed by a parent every night. -All homework is expected to be completed on time, to the best of the students’ ability. -One of the goals of homework is to help students learn to prioritize and budget their Time. -If Homework is taking more time and your child seems frustrated, write me a note and we’ll find a solution.

14 Miscellaneous Information
When your child is/will be absent, please call the front office. You may send me an as well if you know of any extended or future absences. Makeup work Background Checks Newsletters

15 Planning time is from 10:15-11:05
Questions and Contact Planning time is from 10:15-11:05 Thank you so much for your partnership and support. I am excited to begin this amazing journey with your child, and I am looking forward to getting to know them as a learner and thinker. Love, Ms. McCarty

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