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Bell Ringer Open your student workbook and turn to page 65.

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1 Bell Ringer Open your student workbook and turn to page 65.
Under the heading Journal Entry, write a few short sentences describing which dimension of sexual health –physical, emotional, intellectual, or social- is most important or relevant to you in your life right now and explain why.

2 Unit 3: Abstinence, Personal & Sexual Health
Lesson 7: Review of the Reproductive System

3 Healthy Behavior Outcomes
Be sexually abstinent. Utilize appropriate health services to promote sexual health.

4 Lesson Objectives By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
Identify the organs of the male and female reproductive systems. Describe the functions of the male and female reproductive systems. Summarize the relationship between the menstrual cycle and becoming pregnant.

5 Male Reproductive System
Turn in your student workbook to page 18. Try to identify as many parts of the male reproductive system as you can in 2 minutes. Compare your answers with your shoulder partner when you are finished.


7 Female Reproductive System
Turn in your student workbook to page 19. Try to identify as many parts of the female reproductive system as you can in 2 minutes. Compare your answers with your shoulder partner when you are finished.



10 Menstrual Cycle One sign that a girl has reached puberty is that she begins to menstruate, or have periods. Called a cycle because it happens over and over again. One way a girl’s body becomes physically ready to reproduce.

11 Menstrual Cycle (cont.)
Eggs ripens in ovaries Uterus begins building up lining (blood/tissue) Egg released (ovulation) – 13 to 15 days before next period Egg travels down fallopian tube into uterus (3-4 days) If fertilized, egg attaches to uterus lining. If not fertilized, uterus will begin to shed lining in another 10 days or so (period)

12 Pregnancy Puberty anywhere from 8-14
People can then physically reproduce Unintended pregnancies can create physical, social, emotional, and financial hardships for teens and their families Man ejaculates sperm Through woman’s reproductive system, and some reach fallopian tubes (can live here for up to 5 days)

13 Pregnancy (cont.) If a woman ovulates, sperm can enter the egg (fertilization) The egg then begins to divide and form new cells even on its way to the uterus Pregnant when the egg attaches to the lining of the uterus First 8 weeks – embryo Then it becomes a fetus – 9 months

14 How is the menstrual cycle related to becoming pregnant?

15 Summary When a woman ovulates, a ripe egg is released from an ovary into the fallopian tube. If a woman has sex with a man and one of his sperm enters the ripe egg, the egg is fertilized and ready to implant in the lining of the uterus. The woman becomes pregnant once the fertilized egg has attached itself to the lining of her uterus and begins to grow and develop.

16 Can a woman predict when she can get pregnant?

17 Summary Menstrual cycles are not always the same number of days.
This is particularly true for teen girls because their bodies are still maturing and some girls’ periods can be irregular at first. It’s not a healthy or a wise choice for teens to become pregnant or get someone pregnant.

18 Some of you may still have questions about the reproductive system, pregnancy, or other things.
You will have a chance to get some of these questions answered over the next few classes. You can ask your questions anonymously and drop it in the anonymous box as you leave class.

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