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The Great Depression of the 1930s

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1 The Great Depression of the 1930s
Europe Gets Depressed The Great Depression of the 1930s

2 Great Depression Causes
How do we respond? Keynesian Ideas = Government ACTION + Deficit Spending

3 Gr Dep Responses: GB v F In GB…
Ramsey MacDonald’s “National Government” ↑↑Taxes + ↓↓ Benefits Off Gold Std = cheap Tariff on “outside” imports (non-Empire) = Stagnant but Stable Avoids fascism, WHY? In France… ↓ Wages + ↑Tariffs >>> Gov’t Change Right Wing… Fascist? Action Francaise Croix de Feu Stavisky = corruption >> Is a “coup” brewing? Elected Left Wing coalition led by Leon Blum + the Popular Front Strikes > Pro-Labor ∆ > National Economy 3rd Republic barely survives

4 Democracy Responses, The Bottom Line…
Both GB + F survived the initial shock of Gr Dep Each followed own path Keynes Ideas NOT followed Neither GB nor F solved the problem What else can one do in such a situation?

5 Gr Dep Responses: Scandinavian Success
Moderate Socialist governments in place Developed Ag / Industry “Co-Operatives” Privately owned & operated by group Expanded social services Pensions, Ū benefits, healthcare… Housing assist, paid vacation… trade-off? High taxes to pay for large benefits! Is it worth it?

6 Fascist Response… But wait… Totalitarian What is Fascism again?
State controls ALL State over People State #1 A Leader Dictator Duty of Citizen Obey, Serve Rights Limited Control People IL Duce & Der Führer Gen. Franco of Spain

7 Fascist Response: Italy
Mussolini goal: Self-sufficiency! Public works + Subsidy + Tariffs =  Corporatism = Planned economy + private capital ($$) + gov’t assist w/ labor Unions serve State (Fascist) = NO strike! Syndicates > Corporations: Major Industry ↑↑ Gov’t control + ↑↑ Corruption Fascism (Italy) = ↓↓↓ economy =  Invades Ethiopia > L of N limited sanctions

8 Another Fascist Response: Nazi Germany
Seize control Article 48 + Enabling Act Purges (Roehm) + Police State (SS) State control: Society + Economic Life No unions / rights >> Labor Front = arbitration Capital ($$) serves State Public Works Autobahn + Canals + Farms = Fully Employed! Renounce Versailles Treaty Re-Armament >> Jobs! Technology ↑↑

9 Forced Industrialization
Soviet Response… Forced Industrialization Gosplan > 5-Year Plans (Quotas) Economic Growth !! Cost?? Forced Collectivization (Farms) Kulaks + Religion = Enemy of State Ukrainian Famine Forced Urbanization ↓↓ Conditions + Shortages =  Fear! Forced Unity Great Purge = Show Trials Gulag / Torture / Execution

10 Great Depression Responses:
At first glance, who was most successful? Why? Evaluate the responses in terms of Costs v. Benefits Under which system would you wish to live given the circumstances?

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