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GORDONs NB-6-max overview (V. 1.0 DocSnyder)
UTG UTG GORDONs NB-6-max overview (V. 1.0 DocSnyder)
GORDONs NB-6-max overview (V. 1.0 DocSnyder)
MP MP GORDONs NB-6-max overview (V. 1.0 DocSnyder)
GORDONs NB-6-max overview (V. 1.0 DocSnyder)
CO CO GORDONs NB-6-max overview (V. 1.0 DocSnyder)
GORDONs NB-6-max overview (V. 1.0 DocSnyder)
BTN BTN GORDONs NB-6-max overview (V. 1.0 DocSnyder)
GORDONs NB-6-max overview (V. 1.0 DocSnyder)
SB SB GORDONs NB-6-max overview (V. 1.0 DocSnyder)
GORDONs NB-6-max overview (V. 1.0 DocSnyder)
BB BB GORDONs NB-6-max overview (V. 1.0 DocSnyder)
flop as aggressor check nothing or 3d-pair or underpair or overcards
call reraise fold check nothing or 3d-pair or underpair or overcards cbet 3/4 potsize toppair or OESD or flushdraw or better cbet ½ potsize gutshot or very dry boards (f.e. K55, 444) if raised call with TP or OESD or flusdraw 2 pair or better the rest GORDONs NB-6-max overview (V. 1.0 DocSnyder)
flop as caller check / call toppair or 2nd pair or gutshot
+ check / call toppair or 2nd pair or gutshot check-raise 3-4 x betsize opp. OESD or flusdraw or 2pair or better hands Be willing to get all your money in with 2pair or better. If your FD has overcards you can get it allin as well. With OESDs and normal FDs you should fold against a 3bet. If the 3bet is a mini-3bet, than you can call and see a turn card. check / fold everything else if opp. checks -> bet ½ pot any bluff value hands GORDONs NB-6-max overview (V. 1.0 DocSnyder)
turn as aggressor (1) (preflop, not on the flop)
+ bet (again) ¾ potsize gutshot or OESD or flushdraw or 2nd pair or better If your opponent raises your bet you should fold everything unless you have a pair+FD or top 2pair 4-straight- or 4 flush board? if you have re-raised the flop yes no check/fold if opp. bets bet again + all in (unless you have the straight or flush of course!) check / fold everything else if you and opponent checks, bet 3/4 pot any bluff (turn AND river!) value hands (if you have hit 2nd pair, bet the turn ½ pot and check the river) GORDONs NB-6-max overview (V. 1.0 DocSnyder)
turn as aggressor (2) (preflop, not on the flop)
if you got checkraised on the flop and called and opponent bets again (on the turn) toppair with A or K kicker? (or better) yes no check / raise (raise if hand improved) fold if multiway on the turn: bet again get all-in with 2pair or better, check/fold the rest yes TP or OESD or FD? fold no GORDONs NB-6-max overview (V. 1.0 DocSnyder)
turn as caller (preflop, not postflop)
if opp. has checked behind on the flop bluff? (no value) bet (bluff) ¾ pot turn and river TP or better? bet ¾ pot for value (inbetween bet smaller) if YOU have check/called the flop TP or 2pair? check/call again better than 2pair? raise and get it all-in if opp. checks to you if multiway on the turn: call yes 2pair or better or OESD or FD? fold no GORDONs NB-6-max overview (V. 1.0 DocSnyder)
river as aggressor 4-straight- or 4 flush board? no yes bet ½ potsize
check/fold if hand is worse than TP TP with A or K kicker? fold to a raise bet ½ pot TP without A or K kicker? if opponent bets, call if a FD has missed, otherwise check /fold check 2pair or better? if opp. raises, call with a set. If there is a flush possible, fold a set and only call with a straight or flush bet ¾ pot GORDONs NB-6-max overview (V. 1.0 DocSnyder)
GORDONs NB-6-max overview (V. 1.0 DocSnyder)
river as caller improved to 2pair? check/call TP with A or K kicker? check/call everything else check/fold Don´t forget that if I instructed you in the turn manual to bluff twice with a hand, you should still do it! GORDONs NB-6-max overview (V. 1.0 DocSnyder)
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