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An-Najah National University Faculty Of Engineering

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Presentation on theme: "An-Najah National University Faculty Of Engineering"— Presentation transcript:

1 An-Najah National University Faculty Of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department Nablus-Palestine Foundation Design of Sama Pharmaceutical Factory Building Supervisor: Dr.Sami Hijawwi Prepared By: Dua Ziad Alem Layali Mahmood Tqateq Nesreen Imad Tubeileh Sara Raghib Saeed

2 introduction Our project is about ( Foundation Design of Sama pharmace Building) which is located in the village of Deir Al-Hatab– Nablus. *The total plan area of this building is about 2620 m2. *The number of stories is 6.

3 Site Investigation is the first important step in any engineering work ; to determine type & depth of foundations , to evaluate bearing capacity , to identify construction methods & for many things… Foundations are the part of an engineered system to receive & transmit loads from superstructure to the underlying soil or rock . There are two types of foundations : shallow & deep foundations. Many factors should be taken into consideration in choosing foundation types such as soil properties , economic factors, engineering practice, ....etc

4 The purpose of foundation: Foundation must be designed to satisfy three generally criteria:   1-To distribute the load to the soil in such a way that the maximum pressure on the soil does not exceed its permissible bearing value(they must be safe from bearing capacity failure).   2-At the same time the settlement is within the permissible limits(they must be safe from excessive settlement).   3-they must be located properly (both vertical and horizontal orientation) so as not to be adversely by outside influences

5 .type of soil used is silty clay soil,andIt’sbearing capacity is about(14.1t/m² ).
. The load is calculated by tributary area method.

6 Stractural calculation

7 Sample calculation for load on column

8 Mat Foundation Calculation of the Capacity of soil.
Tributary Area for getting loads on columns. Uniformly distributed contact pressure equal to the total weight of the building divided by the area of mat. By this we get contact pressure less than the capacity of soil


10 Using SAP2000 Program for all designing of mat.
Designing a beam-slap mat to minimize the thickness of the mat. Depth of beams = 150 cm Depth of slap = 70 cm To calculate the load distribution on the beam we multiply this pressure (12 ton/m2) by the distance which the beam carry.

11 To calculate the load distribution on the slap we take the pressure on (1) meter slide of the slap this mean we get (12 ton/m) Section of beams we get them by trying on SAP2000 Program and then check wide beam shear and punching shear. The max. deflection in slap = 1 cm. And max. deflection in beam = 0.12 cm.






17 Pile Foundation

18 Design of pile foundation
1-Estimating pile capacity The ultimate carrying capacity of the designed piles were calculated from AllPile program.

19 Input data for AllPile program:
Φ = 12 C = The data taken from geotechnical report Silty clay soil. The type of the pile used are friction pile, insitu reinforced concrete pile. D = 60 cm, 80 cm. L = 10,12,14,15 m.

20 So that the number of pile needed under each column can be founded by dividing the service load applied on the column to the pile capacity e.g.: service load on column (27)= ton Capacity of pile (0.6*12)=81.26 ton The number of pile needed=307.32/81.26=3.78 So the number of pile needed =4 pile

21 The number of piles needed is summarized in the table below:

22 Structural design of pile
The structural pile design depends on the nature of soil, which is either stiff or weak, the pile is to be designed as short column if the soil is stiff , and designed as along column if the soil is weak. The minimum area of steel is 0.5% of the gross area of the pile, also the ties are used starting with 5 cm spacing and ending by 30 cm spacing .the concrete cover must be not less than 7.5 cm. Asmin=0.005Ag

23 The structural designs for piles are:
a-*Pile diameter = 60 cm Pile gross area = (¶/4)(60²)= cm² As min = 0.005Ag = 0.005*2827.4=14.1cm² Use 10ф14

24 b-*Pile diameter = 80 cm Pile gross area = (¶/4)(80²)=5026.5cm² As min = 0.005Ag = 0.005* =25.1cm² Use 10ф18

25 Design of pile cap Dimension of pile cap S=3-2.5D<Smin=2.5D
L=S+D+ (concrete cover) Where: S: spacing between piles from center to center. D: pile diameter. L: length of pile cap Use cover of 10cm.


27 Design of a pile cap: Design Steps: Assume depth (d)
Check Punching shear : ΦVcp > Vult, punching Check wide beam shear : ΦVc > Vult Calculate area of steel needed . e.g1 : For column (16, 17, 18,19): F'c = 250 Kg /cm2 , Fy = 4200 Kg /cm2 Service load = 564 ton, Ultimate load =862.5 ton Area of column= (0.4*1) m, cap dimension = (3.0*3.0) m # of piles = 4

28 Punching shear check: Assume the depth (d=85 cm),(H=100 cm) bo =(100+85)+(40+85) =310 cm ΦVc = Φ* (1.06)*√f'c*bo*d =.85*(1.06) )*√250*310 *85 = ton Vu = /4 = ton Φ *Vc (375.38)> Vu ( ) OK Wide beam shear : ΦVc = Φ* (0.93)*√f'c*b*d =0.85*(0.93)* √250* *85 =318.7 ton Φ *Vc (318.7)> Vu ( ) OK

29 Steel Reinforcement: Using sap program to find the ultimate moment (M11 ) to Reinforcement in the x-direction and moment (M22 ) to Reinforcement in the y-direction as shown below.

30 Sap result for (M11 )


32 M11 = t.m Mux = t.m Mn = 306.2/ 0.9 = t.m ρ= 0.85 *250 ( 1- (√(1-(2.61*306.2 *105) ) ) = *300*852 ρ min = 14.06/ Fy = 14.06/4200 = ρ > ρ min use ρ = As = ρ *B*d = (.00387)*(300)*(85) =98.68 cm² Use 13ϕ18/m

33 Table shown Bellow presents the proposed Steel Reinforcemen of caps:

34 settlement of piles

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