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ADI Workshop Coping with Growth Johan Vos.

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Presentation on theme: "ADI Workshop Coping with Growth Johan Vos."— Presentation transcript:

1 ADI Workshop Coping with Growth Johan Vos

2 Introduction – Volunteers established local alzheimer societies Offered volunteer services Community based fundraising Recruit more volunteers National Office established Annual General Meeting organised to facilitate sharing of information 23 Local Alzheimer societies

3 Growth – 1990’s More fundraising
Local alzheimers societies started to employ staff More services offered (information, education, respite, support) National Office offered support and national advocacy Structure remained very autonomous Meeting the needs of local communities

4 Growth – 2000’s Local alzheimer societies employ more staff
Contracts for services with local health boards Growth has been inconsistent ADI Conference in Christchurch 2001 2006 Alzheimers New Zealand Agreement (Code of Practice) Role of National Office and local Alzheimers society Provided some role clarity Still operate very autonomously Common brand

5 Entering maturity – 2009 onwards
Organisation today Core services National Board take organisation forward Absolute commitment to excellence Uphold 2006 Alzheimers New Zealand Agreement (Code of Practice) Rebrand Organisation Developed Strategic Partnerships Launched National Dementia Stratgy Funded Dementia Drug Service Excellence

6 Organisational Review
External Environment Pressure on health spending Political / philanthropic pressure to reduce duplication Pressure to have standards for contracting services Increased competition for funds Competitive service environment Growing number of people with dementia

7 Organisational Review
Internal Environment federation of small relatively independent organisations different views about the need for change gaps in communication between National Board and MOs no formal mechanism for MOs to influence Board and Board to tap into grassroots problems with timely decision-making about matters affecting whole organisation vastly different levels of service delivery and standards of care duplication of core support functions

8 Organisational Review
To address our internal and external issues our structure must; maintain a strong local presence retain valued roles for volunteers achieve greater national consistency in policies and service standards make better use of resources and avoid duplication of effort strengthen our national advocacy and lobbying voice attract more fundraising revenue deliver more services to more people with dementia provide more accountable and responsive governance provide for greater cohesion and integration operate more effectively and efficiently Attract more government funding

9 Organisational Review
The National Board also identified the objectives for any change as follows: 1. Increase provision of core services offered 2. Be efficient and effective in everything we do 3. Be a professional and authoritative organisation with a commitment to excellence 4. Remain true to our organisational values The key question; What structure will best enable us to most effectively serve all people affected by dementia?

10 Journey of Organisational unity

11 Journey of Organisational unity





16 Observations No perfect structure Is your organisation committed?
Governance function Use a consultant Risks Brave Emotional vs rational arguments Will a new structure add value?

17 The key question; What structure will best enable us to most effectively serve all people affected by dementia?


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